Отрывок: Comparison of numerical results with experimental data present in the validation basis was performed. The validation basis could be used for validating different codes including commercial ones for description of unsteady-state processes in chemically reacting mixtures in the domains of complex geometry. The paper presents results of numerical and experimental investigation of mixture ignition and detonation onset in shock wave reflec...
Название : Three-dimensional simulation of combustion, detonation and deflagration to detonation transition processes in cone and wedge induced focusing
Авторы/Редакторы : Smirnov, Nicolay N.
Дата публикации : 2018
Издательство : Publishing OOO “Insoma-Press”
Библиографическое описание : Smirnov N. Three-dimensional simulation of combustion, detonation and deflagration to detonation transition processes in cone and wedge induced focusing / N. Smirnov // International Conference on Combustion Physics and Chemistry // (Samara, Russia, 24-28 July): proceeding of the conference / Samara University; Edited by A.M. Mebel and V.N. Azyazov – Samara: Publishing OOO “Insoma-Press”, 2018 – p. 31
URI (Унифицированный идентификатор ресурса) : http://repo.ssau.ru/handle/International-Conference-on-Combustion-Physics-and-Chemistry/Threedimensional-simulation-of-combustion-detonation-and-deflagration-to-detonation-transition-processes-in-cone-and-wedge-induced-focusing-71257
ISBN : 978-5-4317-0298-3
Другие идентификаторы : Dspace\SGAU\20180806\71257
Располагается в коллекциях: International Conference on Combustion Physics and Chemistry

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