Отрывок: The researchers consider three main types of e-portfolios, namely student e-portfolios, teaching e-portfolios, and institutional e-portfolios. Also, in academic setting, e-portfolios can be categorized into such types as showcase portfolio, which highlights major achievements; learning portfolio that demonstrates a learning process with a focus on feedback; assessment portfolio, which is use...
Название : Using e-portfolio as an online tool for L2 assessment
Авторы/Редакторы : Papachristou V.
Sachpazian M. А.
Safonkina O.
Chetvergova A.
Дата публикации : 2023
Библиографическое описание : Using e-portfolio as an online tool for L2 assessment / V. Papachristou, M. А. Sachpazian, O. Safonkina, A. Chetvergova // Проблемы модернизации иноязычного образования в трансформационных условиях : материалы XXVIII междунар. науч.-практ. конф. (Самара, 25 марта 2023 г.) / М-во науки и высш. образования Рос. Федерации, Самар. нац. исслед. ун-т им. С. П. Королева (Самар. ун-т) ; под общ. ред..В. В. Левченко. - Самара : Изд-во Самар. ун-та, 2023. - С. 201-204.
Аннотация : L2 assessment is a key moment in the process of teaching and learning of foreign languages. There are new challenges that recently have become relevant for the assessment of the online teaching and learning process. It is necessary not only to track the progress of students, but also to identify problematic aspects of the educational process and to see its subsequent adjustments. The article discusses the use of an e-portfolio as a tool for assessing the knowledge of L2 and some other relevant soft skills. The article discusses that formative e-assessment as the most reliable way to control the process of language acquisition and brings examples how e-portfolios can be used for these purposes.
URI (Унифицированный идентификатор ресурса) : http://repo.ssau.ru/handle/Problemy-modernizacii-inoyazychnogo/Using-eportfolio-as-an-online-tool-for-L2-assessment-104672
Другие идентификаторы : RU\НТБ СГАУ\538510
Ключевые слова: e-assessment
formative assessment
and teaching
online learning
электронное портфолио
оценка знаний
Располагается в коллекциях: Проблемы модернизации иноязычного образования в трансформационных условиях

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