Отрывок: My mother always has a lot of work to do about the house and at school. She is a busy woman and we all help her. 18 My sister's name is Alia. Like her mother Alia has blue eyes and lovely fair hair. She is a very good-looking girl. Alia is three years younger than me. She is a pupil of the 9th form. She does well at school and gets only good and excellent marks. Literature is her favourite subject and she wants to become a teacher, the same as me. Упражнение ...
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Поле DC Значение Язык
dc.coverage.spatialанглийский языкru
dc.coverage.spatialконтрольные работыru
dc.identifierRU/НТБ СГАУ/WALL/Ш143.21/А 647-564512ru
dc.identifier.citationАнглийский язык для студентов-заочников [Текст] : [метод указания : в 2 ч.] / М-во образования и науки РФ, Самар. гос. аэрокосм. ун-т им. С. П. Королева (нац. исслед. ун-т) ; [сост. Н. Э. Кочурова и др.]. - 2012. - (Ч. 1) [Электронный ресурс]ru
dc.description.abstractТруды сотрудников СГАУ (электрон. версия) .ru
dc.description.abstractИспользуемые программы: Adobe Acrobat.ru
dc.format.extentЭлектрон. текстовые дан. (1 файл : 410 Кбайт)ru
dc.relation.ispartofАнглийский язык для студентов-заочников [Текст] : [метод указания : в 2 ч.]ru
dc.titleАнглийский язык для студентов-заочников. Ч. 1ru
dc.textpartMy mother always has a lot of work to do about the house and at school. She is a busy woman and we all help her. 18 My sister's name is Alia. Like her mother Alia has blue eyes and lovely fair hair. She is a very good-looking girl. Alia is three years younger than me. She is a pupil of the 9th form. She does well at school and gets only good and excellent marks. Literature is her favourite subject and she wants to become a teacher, the same as me. Упражнение ...-
Располагается в коллекциях: Методические издания

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