Отрывок: 1), the pyrolysis of the coal slime 50 wt%, water 50 wt% intensified the gas output in comparison with the coal slime 100 wt% in dry state. The water in slurries promoted an increase in the gas yield. At fast heating, water reacted with volatiles or coal, contributing to the formation of additional gaseous products. The concentration of CO, H2 и CH4, increased by 33%, 89% and 75%, respectively. The water promoted the water gas shift...
Название : Pyrolysis of mixed and slurry fuels
Дата публикации : 2022
Библиографическое описание : Pyrolysis of mixed and slurry fuels // International Conference on Physics and Chemistry of Combustion and in Extreme Environments (Samara, Russia, 12-16 July 2022) / V. N. Azyazov, A. M. Mayorova. - Samara : Publishing OOO “Insoma-Press”, 2022. - P. 94.
URI (Унифицированный идентификатор ресурса) : http://repo.ssau.ru/handle/International-Conference/Pyrolysis-of-mixed-and-slurry-fuels-98875
Другие идентификаторы : RU\НТБ СГАУ\490225
Располагается в коллекциях: International Conference on Combustion Physics and Chemistry

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