Отрывок: 1). According to the formula [1] 𝑀 = 𝐴 exp ൬− 𝐸௔ 2𝑅𝑇 ൰, (1) changing the mass flow of the gas 𝑀 and measuring the maximum temperature 𝑇 it is possible to find the activation energy 𝐸𝑎 for certain methane concentration in the mixture as a slope of the line (Fig.2). This experiment was carried out for various methane-air mixtures with different ϕ – ratio of methane to air. The results are compared with th...
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dc.date.accessioned2022-10-06 14:29:12-
dc.date.available2022-10-06 14:29:12-
dc.identifierRU\НТБ СГАУ\490222ru
dc.identifier.citationMeasurement of activation energy of combustion of methane-air mixture using the thin-fiber pyrometry method // International Conference on Physics and Chemistry of Combustion and in Extreme Environments (Samara, Russia, 12-16 July 2022) / V. N. Azyazov, A. M. Mayorova. - Samara : Publishing OOO “Insoma-Press”, 2022. - P. 91.ru
dc.sourceInternational Conference on Physics and Chemistry of Combustion and in Extreme Environments (Samara, Russia, 12-16 July 2022)ru
dc.titleMeasurement of activation energy of combustion of methane-air mixture using the thin-fiber pyrometry methodru
dc.textpart1). According to the formula [1] 𝑀 = 𝐴 exp ൬− 𝐸௔ 2𝑅𝑇 ൰, (1) changing the mass flow of the gas 𝑀 and measuring the maximum temperature 𝑇 it is possible to find the activation energy 𝐸𝑎 for certain methane concentration in the mixture as a slope of the line (Fig.2). This experiment was carried out for various methane-air mixtures with different ϕ – ratio of methane to air. The results are compared with th...-
Располагается в коллекциях: International Conference on Combustion Physics and Chemistry

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