Отрывок: We measured emission spectra of atomic calcium and calcium monoxide varying delay after laser pulse and ambient pressure from 0.16 Torr to atmospheric. Plasma temperature and electron number density were calculated where possible. By comparison of experimental spectra and spectra of Benešov bolide at different heights we showed that the emitting bolide wake is formed under 7-10 times higher pressure than the one at the corresponding altitude. The obtained data lead u...
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dc.date.accessioned2022-10-06 14:28:50-
dc.date.available2022-10-06 14:28:50-
dc.identifierRU\НТБ СГАУ\490183ru
dc.identifier.citationFormation of CaO in laser plasma studied by emission and fluorescence spectroscopy // International Conference on Physics and Chemistry of Combustion and in Extreme Environments (Samara, Russia, 12-16 July 2022) / V. N. Azyazov, A. M. Mayorova. - Samara : Publishing OOO “Insoma-Press”, 2022. - P. 63.ru
dc.sourceInternational Conference on Physics and Chemistry of Combustion and in Extreme Environments (Samara, Russia, 12-16 July 2022)ru
dc.titleFormation of CaO in laser plasma studied by emission and fluorescence spectroscopyru
dc.textpartWe measured emission spectra of atomic calcium and calcium monoxide varying delay after laser pulse and ambient pressure from 0.16 Torr to atmospheric. Plasma temperature and electron number density were calculated where possible. By comparison of experimental spectra and spectra of Benešov bolide at different heights we showed that the emitting bolide wake is formed under 7-10 times higher pressure than the one at the corresponding altitude. The obtained data lead u...-
Располагается в коллекциях: International Conference on Combustion Physics and Chemistry

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