Отрывок: You can schedule these types of interviews during class (perhaps take each student into the hall to have a private discussion while the rest of the class does seat work) or schedule with students individually. Asking questions that use grammatical structures and vocabulary that your class has studied will help you know exactly what each student has grasped. Do not penalize a student fo...
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dc.contributor.authorSolovyova, N.-
dc.date.accessioned2018-05-29 11:07:32-
dc.date.available2018-05-29 11:07:32-
dc.identifier.citationSolovyova N. The purpose and peculiarities of testing / N. Solovyova // Иноязычное образование в поликультурной среде: материалы и доклады XXIV научно-практической конференции Национальной ассоциации преподавателей английского языка (NATE 2018) (Самара, 18-20 апреля 2018 г.) / м-во образования и науки рос. Федерации, Самар. нац. исслед. ун-т им. С. П. Королева (Самар. ун-т) ; отв. ред. В.В. Левченко – Самара: Изд-во Самарского университета, 2018. – С. 125-129.ru
dc.description.abstractIn the process of teaching in general and teaching foreign languages in particular we need to pay attention to many aspects: how effective the methods and techniques used in the process are, how well the learners know the new material, what should be changed, what should be discussed in detail. It is a test that helps assess the existing situation. However, there are different attitudes to testing. There are some opinions that tests do not do any good, but only create additional stress for students. In addition, it is said that in most cases guessing of the right answer takes place, instead of demonstrating the real knowledge. This article will try to understand what testing is, how appropriate it is in the process of teaching foreign languages, what kinds of tests exist.ru
dc.publisherИздательство Самарского университетаru
dc.subjectto check knowledge and skillsru
dc.titleThe purpose and peculiarities of testingru
dc.textpartYou can schedule these types of interviews during class (perhaps take each student into the hall to have a private discussion while the rest of the class does seat work) or schedule with students individually. Asking questions that use grammatical structures and vocabulary that your class has studied will help you know exactly what each student has grasped. Do not penalize a student fo...-
Располагается в коллекциях: Иноязычное образование в поликультурной среде

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