Отрывок: The EAM_2003 potential correctly predicts the lattice constants, cohesive energy, and elastic constants. According to figures 3(a) and 3(b), in first case, the structure is heated from 600 to 1200 K, and in second case – from 600 to 1400 K. By means of the boundaries of the "plateau" of each temperature profile (fig. 3(a),(b)) with use of the EAM_2003 potential was estimated the velocity of the combustion wave front, that is decreased approximately from 6 ...
Название : The influence of the initiation’s conditions of the SH-synthesis of intermetallic compounds on the combustion parameters of the nanoscale layered composition Ti-15.82wt.%Al
Авторы/Редакторы : Jordan, V.I.
Shmakov, I.A.
Дата публикации : Май-2019
Издательство : Новая техника
Библиографическое описание : Jordan V.I. The influence of the initiation’s conditions of the SH-synthesis of intermetallic compounds on the combustion parameters of the nanoscale layered composition Ti-15.82wt.%Al / Jordan V.I., Shmakov I.A. // Сборник трудов ИТНТ-2019 [Текст]: V междунар. конф. и молодеж. шк. "Информ. технологии и нанотехнологии": 21-24 мая: в 4 т. / Самар. нац.-исслед. ун-т им. С. П. Королева (Самар. ун-т), Ин-т систем. обраб. изобр. РАН-фил. ФНИЦ "Кристаллография и фотоника" РАН; [под ред. В.А. Фурсова]. - Самара: Новая техника, 2019. – Т. 4: Науки о данных. - 2019. - С. 252-258.
Аннотация : Computational experiments (CEs) have been carried out to simulate the propagation of the combustion wave of the SH-synthesis process in a package of alternating layers of nanoscale crystal lattices of Ti and Al atoms by molecular dynamics method. In the LAMMPS package was used the interatomic interaction potential in the embedded atom model (EAM). Using the LAMMPS configuration with parallel computing, the following results of CEs were obtained: sets of temperature profiles along the layers of the structure at successive instants of time (up to 16 ns) and a corresponding sets of snapshots (vertical cross-sections of the atomic arrangement along the layers), as well as a table with the number and percentage of the content of various types of elementary cells (fcc, hcp, bcc, other) at the same instants of time. The influence of the initiation’s conditions of the SH-synthesis of intermetallic compounds on the combustion parameters of the nanoscale layered composition Ti-15.82wt.%Al was showed.
URI (Унифицированный идентификатор ресурса) : http://repo.ssau.ru/handle/Informacionnye-tehnologii-i-nanotehnologii/The-influence-of-the-initiation’s-conditions-of-the-SHsynthesis-of-intermetallic-compounds-on-the-combustion-parameters-of-the-nanoscale-layered-composition-Ti1582wtAl-75655
Другие идентификаторы : Dspace\SGAU\20190421\75655
Располагается в коллекциях: Информационные технологии и нанотехнологии

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