Отрывок: There is misun- derstanding between the participants of the process. A number of approaches have been pro- posed for eliminating this problem, for example, the use of a restricted subset of natural lan- guage [15]. Another way is an interactive mode of introducing rules. An expert system provides an opportunity to ask clarifying questions. But even in this case we cannot guarantee the ab- sence of in...
Название : Modeling of rules for real-time knowledge base
Авторы/Редакторы : Tiugashev, A.A.
Ключевые слова : Knowledge Modeling
Real-Time Knowledge Base
Visual Notation
Autonomous Control
Fault Tolerance
Дата публикации : 2016
Издательство : Издательство СГАУ
Библиографическое описание : Материалы Международной конференции и молодёжной школы «Информационные технологии и нанотехнологии», с. 760-766
Аннотация : The paper presents approach to modeling of rules for Real-Time Spacecraft’s Onboard Knowledge Base with use of specially designed Visual Notation. Visually Checked and Improved Control Rules providing Spacecraft with Fault Tolerance feature can be uploaded onboard in operative manner by radio. As a result, we can reach more efficient and reliable Spacecraft Control. Special software Toolset supporting Visual Notation, including Visualizer of the Rules and Visual Builder, has been developed.
URI (Унифицированный идентификатор ресурса) : http://repo.ssau.ru/handle/Informacionnye-tehnologii-i-nanotehnologii/Modeling-of-rules-for-realtime-knowledge-base-60839
ISBN : 978-5-7883-1078-7
Другие идентификаторы : Dspace\SGAU\20161214\60839
Располагается в коллекциях: Информационные технологии и нанотехнологии

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