Отрывок: I work at home.” The question may also be answered in an exaggerated form designed to be emphatic, such as “When hell freezes over,” or “Is the Pope Catholic?” Nofsinger concluded with a brief discussion of how this question-answer process was similar in function to the enthymeme in rhetorical reasoning. Elements of the reasoning may be left out because the speakers co-create the meaning through their interaction and their under...
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dc.contributor.authorEadie W. F.ru
dc.coverage.spatialillustrates scholarly creativityru
dc.coverage.spatialspeech and journalism professorsru
dc.coverage.spatialtraditional academic disciplineru
dc.coverage.spatialиллюстрирует научное творчествоru
dc.coverage.spatialпреподаватели речи и журналистикиru
dc.coverage.spatialтрадиционная академическая дисциплинаru
dc.creatorEadie W. F.ru
dc.date.accessioned2024-07-03 11:33:16-
dc.date.available2024-07-03 11:33:16-
dc.identifier.citationEadie, W. F. When Communication Became a Discipline / William F. Eadie. - Lanham ; Boulder ; New York : Lexington Books, 2022. - 1 file (10,5 Mb) (193 p.). - ISBN = 9781498572156, 9781498572163. - Текст : электронныйru
dc.description.abstractWhen Communication Became a Discipline argues that speech and journalism professors embraced the concept of communication between 1964 and 1982. They changed the names of their scholarly societies and journals and revised their academic curricula. Five “strands” of scholarship became and remain central to this transformation. Communication is not a traditional academic discipline, but its scholars convinced their colleagues to understand and embrace it. When Communication Became a Discipline presents an argument with historical evidence that illustrates scholarly creativity at its finest.ru
dc.description.abstractИспользуемые программы Adobe Acrobatru
dc.description.abstractКогда коммуникация стала дисциплиной, утверждается, что профессора речи и журналистики приняли концепцию коммуникации в период с 1964 по 1982 год. Они изменили названия своих научных обществ и журналов и пересмотрели свои академические программы. Пять “направлений” науки стали и остаются центральными в этой трансформации. Коммуникация не является традиционной академической дисциплиной, но ее ученые убедили своих коллег понять и принять ее. "Когда коммуникация стала дисциплиной" представляет аргумент с историческими свидетельствами, которые иллюстрируют научное творчество во всей красе.ru
dc.publisherLexington Booksru
dc.titleWhen Communication Became a Disciplineru
dc.textpartI work at home.” The question may also be answered in an exaggerated form designed to be emphatic, such as “When hell freezes over,” or “Is the Pope Catholic?” Nofsinger concluded with a brief discussion of how this question-answer process was similar in function to the enthymeme in rhetorical reasoning. Elements of the reasoning may be left out because the speakers co-create the meaning through their interaction and their under...-
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