Отрывок: ebsco.com/terms-of-use Derek Offord Nihilism in Nineteenth-Century Russian Literature and Thought Abstract: The term “nihilism” generally denotes the rejection of established be- liefs and authorities, and often political violence as well. In late imperial Russia, nihilism served as a loose negative construct with which conservative thinkers and writers and government officials attacked members of the radical intelligent- sia and the surging revolutionary movement. This chapter...
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dc.contributor.authorAguiar de Sousa L.ru
dc.contributor.authorStellino P.ru
dc.coverage.spatialистория философииru
dc.date.accessioned2024-07-19 15:31:10-
dc.date.available2024-07-19 15:31:10-
dc.identifier.citationViolence and Nihilism / edited by Luís Aguiar de Sousa, Paolo Stellino. - Berlin : De Gruyter, 2022. - 1 file (3,38 Mb) (331 p.). - ISBN = 9783110698954, 9783110699210, 9783110699364. - Текст : электронныйru
dc.description.abstractNihilism seems to be per definition linked to violence. Indeed, if the nihilist is a person who acknowledges no moral or religious authority, then what does stop him from committing any kind of crime? Dostoevsky precisely called attention to this danger: if there is no God and no immortality of the soul, then everything is permitted, even anthropophagy. Nietzsche, too, emphasised, although in different terms, the consequences deriving from the death of God and the collapse of Judeo-Christian morality. This context shaped the way in which philosophers, writers and artists thought about violence, in its different manifestations, during the 20th century. The goal of this interdisciplinary volume is to explore the various modern and contemporary configurations of the link between violence and nihilism as understood by philosophers and artists (in both literature and film).ru
dc.description.abstractИспользуемые программы Adobe Acrobatru
dc.description.abstractНигилизм, по-видимому, по определению связан с насилием. Действительно, если нигилист - это человек, который не признает никаких моральных или религиозных авторитетов, то что мешает ему совершить какое-либо преступление? Достоевский точно обратил внимание на эту опасность: если нет Бога и бессмертия души, то все позволено, даже антропофагия. Ницше тоже подчеркивал, хотя и в других выражениях, последствия, вытекающие из смерти Бога и краха иудео-христианской морали. Этот контекст сформировал то, как философы, писатели и художники думали о насилии в его различных проявлениях в течение 20-го века. Цель этого междисциплинарного тома - исследовать различные современные конфигурации связи между насилием и нигилизмом в понимании философов и художников (как в литературе, так и в кино).ru
dc.publisherDe Gruyterru
dc.titleViolence and Nihilismru
dc.textpartebsco.com/terms-of-use Derek Offord Nihilism in Nineteenth-Century Russian Literature and Thought Abstract: The term “nihilism” generally denotes the rejection of established be- liefs and authorities, and often political violence as well. In late imperial Russia, nihilism served as a loose negative construct with which conservative thinkers and writers and government officials attacked members of the radical intelligent- sia and the surging revolutionary movement. This chapter...-
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