Отрывок: Rule 3. If neither the current speaker selects the next speaker nor any of the participants become the next speaker, the current speaker may resume his/her turn. These rules, which have been debated about (e.g., Oreström 1983: 29) but have largely held, are rules to make sure that there is only one person speaking at a time. But “one person speaking at a time” seems to have physiological (audi- tory) and neurological basis. Physiologically, the human auditory system is not e...
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Поле DC Значение Язык
dc.contributor.authorChen R.ru
dc.coverage.spatialconversation analysisru
dc.coverage.spatialcross-cultural pragmaticsru
dc.coverage.spatialdiachronic pragmaticsru
dc.coverage.spatialsocial valuesru
dc.coverage.spatialанализ разговораru
dc.coverage.spatialдиахроническая прагматикаru
dc.coverage.spatialмежкультурная прагматикаru
dc.coverage.spatialсоциальные ценностиru
dc.creatorChen R.ru
dc.date.accessioned2024-07-19 15:24:38-
dc.date.available2024-07-19 15:24:38-
dc.identifier.citationChen, R. Toward a Motivation Model of Pragmatics / Rong Chen. - Berlin : De Gruyter Mouton, 2022. - 1 file (1,51 Mb) (353 p.). - ISBN = 9783110787580, 9783110787702, 9783110787856. - Текст : электронныйru
dc.description.abstractWith the “discursive turn” has come a distrust – a complete rejection by some – of theories that seek deeper reasons for surface phenomena. Rong Chen argues that this distrust, with its accompanying overemphasis on specificity and fluidity of linguistic meaning and social values, is unwarranted and unhelpful. Drawing on insights from social theories and various strands of pragmatics, he proposes a motivation model of pragmatics (MMP), contending that language use can be adequately, coherently, and elegantly studied via the motivation behind it in its varied and dynamic contexts. The model, with its well-laid out components, is then applied to (im)politeness research, cross-cultural pragmatics, diachronic pragmatics, discourse and genre analysis, conversation analysis, identity construction, and the study of metaphor, sarcasm, parody, and lying. MMP is thus a framework aimed at accounting for fluidity with stable notions, specificity with general principles, and differences with similar underlying factors. Asru
dc.description.abstractИспользуемые программы Adobe Acrobatru
dc.description.abstractС “дискурсивным поворотом” пришло недоверие – а некоторыми и полное неприятие – к теориям, которые ищут более глубокие причины поверхностных явлений. Ронг Чен утверждает, что это недоверие с сопутствующим ему чрезмерным акцентом на специфику и текучесть языкового значения и социальных ценностей является необоснованным и бесполезным. Опираясь на идеи социальных теорий и различных направлений прагматики, он предлагает мотивационную модель прагматики (MMP), утверждая, что использование языка может быть адекватно, последовательно и элегантно изучено с помощью мотивации, стоящей за ним, в его разнообразных и динамичных контекстах. Затем модель с ее хорошо продуманными компонентами применяется для исследования вежливости, кросс-культурной прагматики, диахронической прагматики, анализа дискурса и жанров, анализа разговоров, конструирования идентичности и изучения метафор, сарказма, пародии и лжи. Таким образом, MMP - это структура, направленная на учет текучести при помощи стабильных понятий, специфичности при помощru
dc.publisherDe Gruyter Moutonru
dc.titleToward a Motivation Model of Pragmaticsru
dc.textpartRule 3. If neither the current speaker selects the next speaker nor any of the participants become the next speaker, the current speaker may resume his/her turn. These rules, which have been debated about (e.g., Oreström 1983: 29) but have largely held, are rules to make sure that there is only one person speaking at a time. But “one person speaking at a time” seems to have physiological (audi- tory) and neurological basis. Physiologically, the human auditory system is not e...-
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