Отрывок: .. are about things unchangeable and eternal-the first causes and intelli- gible forms of Being-which, being unchangeable, can be con- templated only, not involved in action: theirs is theoria in the strict Aristotelian sense. The "practical sciences" ... are "art:' not "theory" -a knowledge concerning the planned changing of the changeable. Such knowledge springs from experience, not from theory or speculative reason. With Bacon, however, Theory must be so r...
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dc.contributor.authorMitcham C.ru
dc.coverage.spatialanalysis of technologyru
dc.coverage.spatialhumanities approachru
dc.coverage.spatialphilosophy of technologyru
dc.coverage.spatialанализ технологииru
dc.coverage.spatialгуманитарный подходru
dc.coverage.spatialфилософия технологииru
dc.creatorMitcham C.ru
dc.date.accessioned2024-03-04 11:04:08-
dc.date.available2024-03-04 11:04:08-
dc.identifier.citationMitcham, C. Thinking Through Technology : The Path Between Engineering and Philosophy / Carl Mitcham. - Chicago : University of Chicago Press, 2022. - 1 file (25,0 Mb) (411 p.). - ISBN = 9780226531960, 9780226531984, 9780226825397. - Текст : электронныйru
dc.description.abstractWhat does it mean to think about technology philosophically? Why try? These are the issues that Carl Mitcham addresses in this work, a comprehensive, critical introduction to the philosophy of technology and a discussion of its sources and uses. Tracing the changing meaning of'technology'from ancient times to our own, Mitcham identifies the most important traditions of critical analysis of technology: the engineering approach, which assumes the centrality of technology in human life; and the humanities approach, which is concerned with its moral and cultural boundaries. Mitcham bridges these two traditions through an analysis of discussions of engineering design, of the distinction between tools and machines, and of engineering science itself. He looks at technology as it is experienced in everyday life—as material objects (from kitchenware to computers), as knowledge ( including recipes, rules, theories, and intuitive'know-how'), as activity (design, construction, and use), and as volition (knowing how to usru
dc.description.abstractИспользуемые программы Adobe Acrobatru
dc.description.abstractЧто значит относиться к технологии философски? Зачем пытаться? Вот вопросы, которые Карл Митчем рассматривает в этой работе, всеобъемлющем, критическом введении в философию технологии и обсуждении ее источников и применений. Прослеживая изменение значения слова "технология" с древних времен до наших дней, Митчем выделяет наиболее важные традиции критического анализа технологий: инженерный подход, который предполагает центральное место технологии в жизни человека, и гуманитарный подход, который касается ее моральных и культурных границ. Митчем соединяет эти две традиции посредством анализа дискуссий об инженерном проектировании, о различии между инструментами и машинами и о самой инженерной науке. Он рассматривает технологии так, как они воспринимаются в повседневной жизни — как материальные объекты (от кухонной утвари до компьютеров), как знания (включая рецепты, правила, теории и интуитивные "ноу-хау"), как деятельность (проектирование, конструирование и использование) и как волевой акт (знание того, как испru
dc.publisherUniversity of Chicago Pressru
dc.titleThinking Through Technology : The Path Between Engineering and Philosophyru
dc.textpart.. are about things unchangeable and eternal-the first causes and intelli- gible forms of Being-which, being unchangeable, can be con- templated only, not involved in action: theirs is theoria in the strict Aristotelian sense. The "practical sciences" ... are "art:' not "theory" -a knowledge concerning the planned changing of the changeable. Such knowledge springs from experience, not from theory or speculative reason. With Bacon, however, Theory must be so r...-
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