Отрывок: . . . [It] was a value judgment.” Schultze, furious, pushed back, but President Car ter let Costle’s decision stand.108 RARG, led by Carter- appointed Schultze, was not an obvious ally of the petroleum industry. Yet the office’s commitment to the economic style, which meant balancing the health effects of ozone against the increasing marginal cost of ozone reductions, produced these strange bedfellows...
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dc.contributor.authorBerman E.P.ru
dc.coverage.spatialeconomics and politicsru
dc.coverage.spatialgovernance and marketru
dc.coverage.spatialsocial sphereru
dc.coverage.spatialstyles of governmentru
dc.coverage.spatialгосударственная политика СШАru
dc.coverage.spatialгосударственное управление и рынокru
dc.coverage.spatialсоциальная сфераru
dc.coverage.spatialстили управленияru
dc.coverage.spatialэкономика и политикаru
dc.creatorBerman E.P.ru
dc.date.accessioned2024-08-01 13:23:04-
dc.date.available2024-08-01 13:23:04-
dc.identifier.citationBerman, E.P. Thinking Like an Economist : How Efficiency Replaced Equality in U.S. Public Policy / Elizabeth Popp Berman. - Princeton, New Jersey : Princeton University Press, 2022. - 1 file (22,3 Mb) (345 p.). - ISBN = 9780691167381, 9780691226606, 9780691248882. - Текст : электронныйru
dc.description.abstractIn Thinking like an Economist, Elizabeth Popp Berman tells how a distinctive way of thinking—an “economic style of reasoning”—became dominant in Washington between the 1960s and the 1980s and how it continues to influence over public policy today. Introduced by liberal technocrats who hoped to improve government, this way of thinking was grounded in economics but also transformed law and policy. Its advocates often found themselves allied with Republicans and in conflict with liberal Democrats who argued for rights, equality, and limits on corporate power. The book examines the impact of economic efficiency policies under the Carter and Reagan administrations, as well as his Republican successors, up to the present day.ru
dc.description.abstractВ книге “Думать как экономист” Элизабет Попп Берман рассказывает о том, как особый способ мышления — "экономический стиль рассуждения" — стал доминирующим в Вашингтоне в период с 1960-х по 1980-е годы и как он продолжает влиять на государственную политику сегодня. Введенный либеральными технократами, которые надеялись улучшить управление, этот способ мышления ставил во главу угла экономику, а также трансформировал законодательство и политику. Его сторонники часто оказывались в союзе с республиканцами и в конфликте с либеральными демократами, которые выступали за права, равенство и ограничение корпоративной власти. В книге рассмотрено влияние политики экономической эффективности при администрации Картера и Рейгана, а также его преемников-республиканцев, вплоть до сегодняшних дней.ru
dc.description.abstractИспользуемые программы Adobe Acrobatru
dc.publisherPrinceton University Pressru
dc.titleThinking Like an Economistru
dc.textpart. . . [It] was a value judgment.” Schultze, furious, pushed back, but President Car ter let Costle’s decision stand.108 RARG, led by Carter- appointed Schultze, was not an obvious ally of the petroleum industry. Yet the office’s commitment to the economic style, which meant balancing the health effects of ozone against the increasing marginal cost of ozone reductions, produced these strange bedfellows...-
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