Отрывок: And so, anyone who builds housing dutifully has surveys conducted on how satisfied the residents of his estates are. And lo and behold, all these surveys show that over 90 percent of tenants— which is to say, practically all “reasonable people”—are satisfied with their apartment. Is there, then, in analogy to “false consciousness,” such a thing as false satisfaction? We have already conducted such surveys ourselves; one in a dilap- idated old city neighborhood, for example, with housi...
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dc.contributor.authorBurckhardt L.ru
dc.contributor.authorRitter M.ru
dc.contributor.authorSchmitz M.ru
dc.coverage.spatialaesthetic understanding of environmentru
dc.coverage.spatialcritique of urbanismru
dc.coverage.spatialкритика урбанизмаru
dc.coverage.spatialинтеллектуальная концентрацияru
dc.coverage.spatialтеория минимального вмешательстваru
dc.coverage.spatialэстетическое понимание окружающей средыru
dc.coverage.spatialminimal intervention theoryru
dc.coverage.spatialintellectual concentrationru
dc.date.accessioned2023-12-08 11:41:34-
dc.date.available2023-12-08 11:41:34-
dc.identifier.citationBurckhardt, L. The Minimal Intervention / edited by Lucius Burckhardt, Markus Ritter, Martin Schmitz. - Basel : Birkhäuser, 2022. - 1 file (4,81 Mb) (169 p.). - ISBN = 9783035625301, 9783035625318. - Текст : электронныйru
dc.description.abstractLucius Burckhardt (1925-2003) wrote his theory Of the smallest possible intervention at the beginning of the 1980s. The idea of minimal intervention runs through his entire oeuvre, from the critique of urbanism to the science of walking. The "smallest possible intervention" stands for a planning theory that assumes at the level of landscape design that there are two "landscapes": the one that is actually visible and the one in our heads. The theory of the smallest intervention means not to intervene in the existing landscape with enormous means, but to influence the landscape image in our minds and to create an aesthetic understanding of the environment. In this book, which is available in English for the first time, the Swiss sociologist applies the formula to many areas of design. Intellectual concentrate of Lucius Burckhardt's theories for the first time in English Connections of planning and construction Rationalization and needsru
dc.description.abstractИспользуемые программы Adobe Acrobatru
dc.description.abstractЛюциус Буркхардт (1925-2003) написал свою теорию наименьшего возможного вмешательства в начале 1980-х годов. Идея минимального вмешательства проходит через все его творчество, от критики урбанизма до науки о ходьбе. "Наименьшее возможное вмешательство" означает теорию планирования, которая предполагает на уровне ландшафтного дизайна, что существует два "ландшафта": тот, который на самом деле виден, и тот, который у нас в голове. Теория наименьшего вмешательства означает не вмешиваться в существующий ландшафт огромными средствами, а влиять на образ ландшафта в нашем сознании и создавать эстетическое понимание окружающей среды. В этой книге, которая впервые доступна на английском языке, швейцарский социолог применяет эту формулу ко многим областям дизайна. Интеллектуальный концентрат теорий Люциуса Буркхардта впервые на английском языке "Связи планирования и строительства, рационализации и потребностей".ru
dc.subjectUrban ecology (Sociology)ru
dc.subjectARCHITECTURE / Urban & Land Use Planningru
dc.subjectCity planning--Environmental aspectsru
dc.titleThe Minimal Interventionru
dc.textpartAnd so, anyone who builds housing dutifully has surveys conducted on how satisfied the residents of his estates are. And lo and behold, all these surveys show that over 90 percent of tenants— which is to say, practically all “reasonable people”—are satisfied with their apartment. Is there, then, in analogy to “false consciousness,” such a thing as false satisfaction? We have already conducted such surveys ourselves; one in a dilap- idated old city neighborhood, for example, with housi...-
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