Отрывок: Street art wear, as luxury fashion, provides an example of artists creating work outside of the traditional institutional context of art. According to Shapiro and Heinich (2012), artificatory objects and practices originate from many sources, and those that undergo the artification pro- cess are often reflective of several categories. These sources include craftsmanship; industry; leisure (encompassing fun, free time, travel, and tour...
Полная запись метаданных
Поле DC Значение Язык
dc.contributor.authorJoy A.ru
dc.coverage.spatialluxurious jeweleryru
dc.coverage.spatialluxury consumptionru
dc.coverage.spatialвинный туризмru
dc.coverage.spatialмаркетинг предметов роскошиru
dc.coverage.spatialпотребление предметов роскошиru
dc.coverage.spatialювелирные изделияru
dc.date.accessioned2024-07-23 13:01:49-
dc.date.available2024-07-23 13:01:49-
dc.identifier.citationThe Future of Luxury Brands : Artification and Sustainability / edited by Annamma Joy. - Berlin : De Gruyter, 2022. - 1 file (93,6 Mb) (313 p.). - ISBN = 9783110732757, 9783110732818, 9783110737615. - Текст : электронныйru
dc.description.abstractThe concepts of artification and sustainability currently underlie the marketing strategies of luxury brands. Artification is the process of elevating things to the status of works of art, and sustainability as an indispensable response to the issues of our times. The book The Future of Luxury Brands examines the interconnected segments of luxury goods marketing - the world of art, fashion, fine wines, hospitality services — through the prism of sustainable development and artification. The book will become an indispensable reading for practitioners working in companies that produce luxury goods, as well as for students studying luxury brand marketing.ru
dc.description.abstractИспользуемые программы Adobe Acrobatru
dc.description.abstractКонцепции артификации и экологичности в настоящее время лежат в основе маркетинговых стратегий брендов класса люкс. Артификация — это процесс возведения вещей в статус произведений искусства, а экологичность (иногда этот термин переводят как «устойчивое развитие») - необходимый ответ на проблемы нашего времени. Книга The Future of Luxury Brands рассматривает взаимосвязанные сегменты маркетинга предметов роскоши - мир искусства, моду, изысканные вина, гостиничные услуги, — через призму устойчивого развития и артификации. Книга станет незаменимым чтением для практиков, работающих в компаниях, которые производят товары класса люкс, а также для студентов, изучающих маркетинг брендов класса люкс.ru
dc.publisherDe Gruyterru
dc.titleThe Future of Luxury Brandsru
dc.textpartStreet art wear, as luxury fashion, provides an example of artists creating work outside of the traditional institutional context of art. According to Shapiro and Heinich (2012), artificatory objects and practices originate from many sources, and those that undergo the artification pro- cess are often reflective of several categories. These sources include craftsmanship; industry; leisure (encompassing fun, free time, travel, and tour...-
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