Отрывок: For example, with suspensions used as coatings, such as paints, time effects in flow are very important. In this case, the polymer used for preventing settling must show reversible time dependence of viscosity (i.e. thixotropy). In other words, the polymer used has to be shear thinning on application to ensure uniform coating, but once the shearing force is removed, the viscosity has to build up quickly in order to prevent un...
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dc.contributor.authorTharwat F. Tadrosru
dc.coverage.spatialхимическая инженерияru
dc.coverage.spatialchemical engineeringru
dc.creatorTharwat F. Tadrosru
dc.date.accessioned2023-12-08 11:17:19-
dc.date.available2023-12-08 11:17:19-
dc.identifierRU\НТБ СГАУ\540845ru
dc.identifier.citationTharwat F. Tadros Suspension Concentrates: Preparation, Stability and Industrial Applications / Tharwat F. Tadros. - Berlin : De Gruyter, 2017. - 1 file (8,8 Mb) (362 p.). - ISBN = 978-3-11-048678-0, 978-3-11-048687-2, 978-3-11-048. - Текст : электронныйru
dc.description.abstractКонцентраты суспензий - это обзор теории приготовления и стабилизации суспензий, в котором подробно рассматриваются процессы разрушения агрегатов и агломератов и роль диспергирующих агентов при флокуляции, электростатической и стерической стабилизации. Обсуждается практический анализ с помощью реологии. Концентраты суспензий идеально подходят для ученых-исследователей и аспирантов, изучающих химию, химическую инженерию и коллоидные науки.Краткий и доступный текст о процессах образования суспензии и ее устойчивости.Практический подход к теологии и использованию суспензий в промышленности.Автор - известный, уважаемый эксперт по суспензиям.ru
dc.description.abstractИспользуемые программы Adobe Acrobatru
dc.description.abstractSuspension Concentrates is a survey into the theory of the formulation and stabilization of suspensions, elaborating on the breaking of aggregates and agglomerates and the role of dispersing agents on flocculation and electrostatic and steric stabilization. Practical analysis by rheology is discussed. Suspension Concentrates is ideal for research scientists and Ph.D. students investigating chemistry, chemical engineering and colloidal science.A concise and accessible text on the processes of suspension formation and stability.A practical approach to rheology and the use of suspensions in industrial applications.The author is a well-known, respected expert on suspensions.ru
dc.publisherDe Gruyterru
dc.titleSuspension Concentrates: Preparation, Stability and Industrial Applicationsru
dc.textpartFor example, with suspensions used as coatings, such as paints, time effects in flow are very important. In this case, the polymer used for preventing settling must show reversible time dependence of viscosity (i.e. thixotropy). In other words, the polymer used has to be shear thinning on application to ensure uniform coating, but once the shearing force is removed, the viscosity has to build up quickly in order to prevent un...-
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