Отрывок: Whenever someone tries to “save” in this manner, the perceived savings are quickly canceled by the incipient destruction of bearings, high maintenance costs and frequent downtime. The issue merits emphasizing because taking chances with cheap lubricants and making foolish decisions devoid of common-sense reasoning cost the industry millions and gives rise to word-of-mouth anecdotes. Unscientific gossip t...
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dc.contributor.authorBloch H.ru
dc.coverage.spatialeconomical consumption of lubricantsru
dc.coverage.spatialequipment standstill protectionru
dc.coverage.spatialoil mistru
dc.coverage.spatialoperating costsru
dc.coverage.spatialзащита оборудования в простоеru
dc.coverage.spatialсмазочные материалыru
dc.coverage.spatialсмазочный туманru
dc.coverage.spatialтехнические маслаru
dc.coverage.spatialэкономичность расхода смазочных материаловru
dc.coverage.spatialэксплуатационные расходыru
dc.creatorBloch H.ru
dc.date.accessioned2024-07-23 13:19:04-
dc.date.available2024-07-23 13:19:04-
dc.identifier.citationBloch, H. Optimized Equipment Lubrication : Conventional Lube, Oil Mist Technology and Full Standby Protection / Heinz Bloch. - Berlin : De Gruyter, 2022. - 1 file (10,2 Mb) (412 p.). - ISBN = 9783110749342, 9783110749441, 9783110749557. - Текст : электронныйru
dc.description.abstractThe book describes the methods and procedures to optimally applying lubricant to all kinds of general purpose machines. These include process pumps, electric motors and other equipment incorporating rolling element bearing where traditional methods are usually very much out of step with best available practices. Failure analysis, reliability strategies, remedial steps or desirable substitute approaches are also explained.ru
dc.description.abstractВ книге описаны методы и процедуры оптимального нанесения смазочных материалов на все виды машин общего назначения. Рассмотрены технологические насосы, электродвигатели и другое оборудование, оснащенное подшипниками качения, традиционные методы смазки и новейшая практика. Также проанализированы возможные неисправности, стратегии обеспечения надежности, меры по устранению неполадок и альтернативные подходы.ru
dc.description.abstractИспользуемые программы Adobe Acrobatru
dc.publisherDe Gruyterru
dc.titleOptimized Equipment Lubricationru
dc.textpartWhenever someone tries to “save” in this manner, the perceived savings are quickly canceled by the incipient destruction of bearings, high maintenance costs and frequent downtime. The issue merits emphasizing because taking chances with cheap lubricants and making foolish decisions devoid of common-sense reasoning cost the industry millions and gives rise to word-of-mouth anecdotes. Unscientific gossip t...-
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