Отрывок: In the Al-Zn-Mg alloy the thermomechanically affected zone was richer in Fe and Si, containing intermetallics that are more cathodic then the surrounding Almatrix. This potential difference, which attained 400 mV, induced microgalvanic corrosion activity. Thus, the localized corrosion process propagated as intergranular corrosion, resulting in intergranular cracking. However, in the Al-Zn- Mg-0.10Sc-0.10Zr alloy, there was formation of secondary Al3ScxZr1−x particles that promoted the format...
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dc.contributor.authorCharitidis C. A.ru
dc.coverage.spatialcomposite materialsru
dc.coverage.spatialкомпозитные материалыru
dc.date.accessioned2023-12-08 11:11:36-
dc.date.available2023-12-08 11:11:36-
dc.identifierRU\НТБ СГАУ\538945ru
dc.identifier.citationNanomaterials in Joining / edited by Constantinos A. Charitidis. - Berlin : De Gruyter, 2016. - 1 file (6,8 Mb) (135 p.). - ISBN = 978-3-11-033960-4, 978-3-11-033972-7, 978-3-11-038. - Текст : электронныйru
dc.description.abstractJoining techniques in engineering are of major importance. Innovations in the field of composites now allows design of nanomaterials with tailored properties. This book adresses techniques for similar and dissimilar joining, characterization of joint structures and damage prediction by simulation. A special focus is laid on welding of lightweight structures, which are of special economic interest for aeronautical and automotive applications.The book presents state-of-the-art discussion on materials joining: from simulation and damage prediction to synthetic processes and application.ru
dc.description.abstractМетоды соединения в инженерном деле имеют большое значение. Инновации в области композитов теперь позволяют создавать наноматериалы с индивидуальными свойствами. В этой книге рассматриваются методы сходного и непохожего соединения, характеристика структур соединений и прогнозирование повреждений с помощью моделирования. Особое внимание уделяется сварке легких конструкций, которые представляют особый экономический интерес для применения в авиации и автомобилестроении. В книге представлено современное обсуждение вопросов соединения материалов: от моделирования и прогнозирования повреждений до процессов синтеза и применения.ru
dc.description.abstractИспользуемые программы Adobe Acrobatru
dc.publisherDe Gruyterru
dc.titleNanomaterials in Joiningru
dc.textpartIn the Al-Zn-Mg alloy the thermomechanically affected zone was richer in Fe and Si, containing intermetallics that are more cathodic then the surrounding Almatrix. This potential difference, which attained 400 mV, induced microgalvanic corrosion activity. Thus, the localized corrosion process propagated as intergranular corrosion, resulting in intergranular cracking. However, in the Al-Zn- Mg-0.10Sc-0.10Zr alloy, there was formation of secondary Al3ScxZr1−x particles that promoted the format...-
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