Отрывок: All use subject to https://www.ebsco.com/terms-of-use 98 | 4 Safety Approaches to Handling Engineered Nanomaterials type of material and its known hazards. Additionally, extra steps should be taken to ensure complete removal of any nanomaterials. To minimize air currents moving across the spill position barriers around the area. Place an absorbent walk-off mat at the exit point of the contaminated area to prevent nanomaterials from being tracked out. Vacuum u...
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dc.contributor.authorFazarro D.ru
dc.contributor.authorTrybula W.ru
dc.contributor.authorTate J.ru
dc.contributor.authorHanks C.ru
dc.coverage.spatialопасность для здоровьяru
dc.coverage.spatialэкологическая безопасностьru
dc.coverage.spatialhealth hazardru
dc.coverage.spatialenvironmental safetyru
dc.date.accessioned2023-12-08 11:15:37-
dc.date.available2023-12-08 11:15:37-
dc.identifierRU\НТБ СГАУ\538871ru
dc.identifier.citationNano-Safety : What We Need to Know to Protect Workers / edited by Dominick Fazarro, Walt Trybula, Jitendra Tate, Craig Hanks. - Berlin : De Gruyter, 2017. - 1 file (3,0 Mb) (213 p.). - ISBN = 978-3-11-037375-2, 978-3-11-037376-9, 978-3-11-038. - Текст : электронныйru
dc.description.abstractNanotechnology safety is the practice of handling developed nanomaterials in the production process. Good practice consists in understanding and interpreting material safety data sheets, safe behavior when working with yet unknown nanomaterials, understanding the health consequences and taking safety measures against potential hazards in advance. This book introduces readers from academia and industry to risk management in the field of nanotechnology. Nanosecurity is an important topic due to the addition of nanoparticles to many consumer products. Includes questions at the end of each chapter. Written by leading scientists from academia and industry.ru
dc.description.abstractБезопасность нанотехнологий - это практика обращения с разработанными наноматериалами в процессе производства. Надлежащая практика заключается в понимании и интерпретации паспортов безопасности материалов, безопасном поведении при работе с еще неизвестными наноматериалами, понимании последствий для здоровья и заблаговременном принятии мер безопасности против потенциальных опасностей. Эта книга знакомит читателей из академических кругов и промышленности с управлением рисками в области нанотехнологий. Нанобезопасность является важной темой в связи с добавлением наночастиц во многие потребительские товары. Включает вопросы в конце каждой главы. Написана ведущими учеными из академических кругов и промышленности.ru
dc.description.abstractИспользуемые программы Adobe Acrobatru
dc.publisherDe Gruyterru
dc.textpartAll use subject to https://www.ebsco.com/terms-of-use 98 | 4 Safety Approaches to Handling Engineered Nanomaterials type of material and its known hazards. Additionally, extra steps should be taken to ensure complete removal of any nanomaterials. To minimize air currents moving across the spill position barriers around the area. Place an absorbent walk-off mat at the exit point of the contaminated area to prevent nanomaterials from being tracked out. Vacuum u...-
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