Отрывок: An example of style may be seen when the student writes: “Life in grade eleven was becoming better and better, with the support of my mother and younger brother, Sisonke. The elections for the Excutive Committee members (prefects) was on the horizon. Having had a fair high school carreer thus f...
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dc.contributor.authorPfeiffer V. F.ru
dc.coverage.spatialacademic writingru
dc.coverage.spatialexpressive writingru
dc.coverage.spatialforeign languagesru
dc.coverage.spatialpedagogical technologiesru
dc.coverage.spatialspeach skillsru
dc.coverage.spatialакадемическое письмоru
dc.coverage.spatialиностранные языкиru
dc.coverage.spatialнаучный стиль речиru
dc.coverage.spatialпедагогические приемыru
dc.coverage.spatialразвитие речиru
dc.coverage.spatialэкспрессивное письмоru
dc.creatorPfeiffer V. F.ru
dc.date.accessioned2024-07-22 14:05:14-
dc.date.available2024-07-22 14:05:14-
dc.identifier.citationPfeiffer, V. F. Moving from the Known to the Unknown in Academic Writing / V. F. Pfeiffer. - Newcastle-upon-Tyne : Cambridge Scholars Publishing, 2022. - 1 file (3,35 Mb) (247 p.). - ISBN = 9781527577787, 9781527579002. - Текст : электронныйru
dc.description.abstractExpressive writing is mainly used on psychological patients to assist them in dealing with their trauma. This book is the first to use expressive writing in assisting L2 students in their academic writing. The book will appeal to lecturers in language centres, linguists, psychologists, and teachers.ru
dc.description.abstractИспользуемые программы Adobe Acrobatru
dc.description.abstractЭкспрессивное письмо в основном используется пациентами в психотерапии, чтобы помочь справиться с травмой. В этой книге впервые используется обучение техникам экспрессивного письма для оказания помощи студентам уровня В1 при создании ими текстов научного стиля. Книга будет интересна преподавателям языковых центров, лингвистам и психологам.ru
dc.publisherCambridge Scholars Publishingru
dc.titleMoving from the Known to the Unknown in Academic Writingru
dc.textpartAn example of style may be seen when the student writes: “Life in grade eleven was becoming better and better, with the support of my mother and younger brother, Sisonke. The elections for the Excutive Committee members (prefects) was on the horizon. Having had a fair high school carreer thus f...-
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