Отрывок: The minimum number of participants is 1,000 for a WP Fund established by a single employer and 5,000 for a WP Fund established jointly by multiple employers. All eligible employees will automatically participate in the welfare pension plan carried on by a WP Fund. In a WP Fund, both the employer and employees pay premiums to the WP Fund. However, as a result of amendments to the WPA in 2013, effective since 1 April 2014, no establishment of a ...
Полная запись метаданных
Поле DC Значение Язык
dc.contributor.authorYoshikazu S.ru
dc.contributor.authorRey S.ru
dc.contributor.authorMignin R. J.ru
dc.contributor.authorBonilla J.ru
dc.coverage.spatialinterviewing and screeningru
dc.coverage.spatialrecruiting to terminationru
dc.coverage.spatialseverance payru
dc.coverage.spatialtrade union rightsru
dc.coverage.spatialвыходное пособиеru
dc.coverage.spatialнайм на работуru
dc.coverage.spatialот найма до увольненияru
dc.coverage.spatialправа профсоюзовru
dc.coverage.spatialсобеседование и отборru
dc.coverage.spatialтрудовое законодательство Японииru
dc.creatorYoshikazu S.ru
dc.date.accessioned2024-07-10 13:46:31-
dc.date.available2024-07-10 13:46:31-
dc.identifier.citationYoshikazu, S. Labour and Employment Compliance in Japan / Yoshikazu Sugino ; edited by Salvador del Rey, Robert J. Mignin, Juan Bonilla. - Alphen aan den Rijn : Kluwer Law International, 2022. - 1 file (1,82 Mb) (158 p.). - ISBN = 9789403543420, 9789403547725. - Текст : электронныйru
dc.description.abstractDetailed attention to compliance with labour and employment laws is crucial for success in setting up business in a foreign country. This book – one of a series derived from Kluwer's matchless publication International Labour and Employment Compliance Handbook – focuses on the relevant laws and regulations in Japan. It is thoroughly practical in orientation. Employers and their counsel can be assured that it fulfills the need for accurate and detailed knowledge of laws in Japan on all aspects of employment, from recruiting to termination, working conditions, compensation and benefits to collective bargaining. The volume proceeds in a logical sequence through such topics as the following: · written and oral contracts · interviewing and screening · evaluations and warnings · severance pay · reductions in force · temporary workers · trade union rights <p style='margin-left:.75ru
dc.description.abstractИспользуемые программы Adobe Acrobatru
dc.description.abstractПристальное внимание к соблюдению законов о труде и занятости имеет решающее значение для успеха при открытии бизнеса в другой стране. Эта книга – одна из серии, основанной на уникальном издании Kluwer International Labour and Employment Compliance Handbook – посвящена соответствующим законам и нормативным актам Японии. Она полностью практична по своей ориентации. Работодатели и их адвокаты могут быть уверены, что это удовлетворяет потребность в точном и детальном знании законов Японии по всем аспектам занятости, от приема на работу до увольнения, условий труда, компенсаций и льгот до коллективных переговоров. В книге в логической последовательности рассматриваются такие темы, как: · письменные и устные контракты; · собеседования и скрининг; · оценки и предупреждения; · выходное пособие; · сокращения в силе; · временные работники; · права профсоюзов <p style='margin-left:.75ru
dc.publisherKluwer Law Internationalru
dc.titleLabour and Employment Compliance in Japanru
dc.textpartThe minimum number of participants is 1,000 for a WP Fund established by a single employer and 5,000 for a WP Fund established jointly by multiple employers. All eligible employees will automatically participate in the welfare pension plan carried on by a WP Fund. In a WP Fund, both the employer and employees pay premiums to the WP Fund. However, as a result of amendments to the WPA in 2013, effective since 1 April 2014, no establishment of a ...-
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