Отрывок: Then the fruits begin to turn yellow or red depending on the variety by the end of this stage. The percentage of weight gain is slow during the khalal stage, and the conversion of sucrose into glucose and fructose begins, the moisture content decreases, and the tannins begin to precipitate and lose their viability and dissolution fruit pal- atable in the khalal stage. At the beginning of entering the wet stage,...
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dc.contributor.authorFarag A.ru
dc.contributor.authorAbdel-Raheem M.ru
dc.contributor.authorAbobatta W.F.ru
dc.coverage.spatialfarm managementru
dc.coverage.spatialprecise agricultureru
dc.coverage.spatialsmart technologiesru
dc.coverage.spatialсправочные изданияru
dc.coverage.spatialточное земледелиеru
dc.coverage.spatialумные технологииru
dc.coverage.spatialуправление фермамиru
dc.date.accessioned2024-07-30 13:57:18-
dc.date.available2024-07-30 13:57:18-
dc.identifier.citationHandbook of Research on Principles and Practices for Orchards Management / editors A. Farag, M. Abdel-Raheem, W. F. Abobatta. - Hershey PA : Engineering Science Reference, 2022. - 1 file (9,97 Mb) (405 p.). - ISBN = 9781668424230, 9781668424254, 9781668424261. - Текст : электронныйru
dc.description.abstractContemporary challenges, such as increased production and a growing global population, require updating and understanding the principles and practices of successful orchard management in order to increase food productivity. The Handbook of Research on Principles and Practices for Orchard Management considers the issues of economics of cultivation, irrigation, and smart agriculture are all important aspects of precision agriculture. The book covers topics such as nutrient management, pest control, orchard pruning, and other agricultural practices that can help improve the growth and yield of fruit trees under different environmental conditions. This reference work is intended for industry professionals, researchers, practitioners, academics, instructors, and students interested in improving their understanding of orchard management.ru
dc.description.abstractИспользуемые программы Adobe Acrobatru
dc.description.abstractСовременные вызовы, такие, как рост производства и населения планеты, требуют обновления понимания принципов и практик успешного садоводства с целью повышения продуктивности хозяйств. В книге "Руководство по исследованиям принципов и практик управления плодовыми садами" рассматриваются вопросы точного земледелия: экономики выращивания различных культур, ирригации и разумного ведения сельского хозяйства. Книга охватывает такие темы, как рациональное использование питательных веществ, борьба с вредителями, обрезка плодовых садов и другие сельскохозяйственные методы, которые могут помочь улучшить рост и урожайность плодовых культур в различных условиях окружающей среды. Справочник предназначен для профессионалов отрасли, исследователей, практиков, ученых, преподавателей и студентов.ru
dc.publisherEngineering Science Referenceru
dc.titleHandbook of Research on Principles and Practices for Orchards Managementru
dc.textpartThen the fruits begin to turn yellow or red depending on the variety by the end of this stage. The percentage of weight gain is slow during the khalal stage, and the conversion of sucrose into glucose and fructose begins, the moisture content decreases, and the tannins begin to precipitate and lose their viability and dissolution fruit pal- atable in the khalal stage. At the beginning of entering the wet stage,...-
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