Отрывок: , 2014). For the identification of intruder, user credentials and internet protocol addresses are used. An IDS is considered effective, if its detection rate is high and false alarm rate is low which are key aspect during design. Other important factors include low resource consumption, throughput, transpar- ency and safety of the overall system. An evaluation method must be applied before the deployment of IDS; therefore, it cannot perform unusual behavior when becomes functional. Eval...
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dc.contributor.authorRajiv Singhru
dc.contributor.authorAshutosh Kumar Singhru
dc.contributor.authorAjay Kumar Dwivediru
dc.contributor.authorNagabhushan P.ru
dc.coverage.spatialsoft computingru
dc.coverage.spatialанализ больших данныхru
dc.coverage.spatialискусственные нейронные сетиru
dc.coverage.spatialмягкие вычисленияru
dc.coverage.spatialоблачные вычисленияru
dc.coverage.spatialbig data analysisru
dc.coverage.spatialartificial neural networksru
dc.coverage.spatialcloud computingru
dc.creatorRajiv Singh, Ashutosh Kumar Singh, Ajay Kumar Dwivedi, Nagabhushan P.ru
dc.date.accessioned2023-12-08 11:33:16-
dc.date.available2023-12-08 11:33:16-
dc.identifierRU\НТБ СГАУ\537528ru
dc.identifier.citationComputational Methodologies for Electrical and Electronics Engineers / Rajiv Singh, Ashutosh Kumar Singh, Ajay Kumar Dwivedi, P. Nagabhushan. - Hershey PA : IGI Global, 2021. - 1 file (9,6 Mb) (281 p.). - ISBN = 9781799833277. - Текст : электронныйru
dc.description.abstractArtificial intelligence has been applied to many areas of science and technology, including the power and energy sector. Renewable energy in particular has experienced the tremendous positive impact of these developments. With the recent evolution of smart energy technologies, engineers and scientists working in this sector need an exhaustive source of current knowledge to effectively cater to the energy needs of citizens of developing countries.ru
dc.description.abstractИскусственный интеллект был применен во многих областях науки и техники, включая энергетику. Возобновляемые источники энергии, в частности, испытали огромное положительное влияние этих разработок. В связи с недавним развитием технологий интеллектуальной энергетики инженерам и ученым, работающим в этом секторе, необходим исчерпывающий источник современных знаний для эффективного удовлетворения энергетических потребностей граждан развивающихся стран.ru
dc.description.abstractИспользуемые программы Adobe Acrobatru
dc.publisherIGI Globalru
dc.titleComputational Methodologies for Electrical and Electronics Engineersru
dc.textpart, 2014). For the identification of intruder, user credentials and internet protocol addresses are used. An IDS is considered effective, if its detection rate is high and false alarm rate is low which are key aspect during design. Other important factors include low resource consumption, throughput, transpar- ency and safety of the overall system. An evaluation method must be applied before the deployment of IDS; therefore, it cannot perform unusual behavior when becomes functional. Eval...-
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