Отрывок: – There is a need for safety traps to protect the manometer and the source of dis- charge from contamination caused by excess fluid. The trap must be connected correctly. – A pressure gauge is also required. Air must be allowed to enter the vacuum sys- tem slowly to avoid breakage when the column of mercury rises to the top of the closed tube. – Manostat (pressure regulator) is required to maintain constant pressure in the system, it automatically opens and close...
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dc.contributor.authorElzagheid M.ru
dc.coverage.spatiallaboratory chemistsru
dc.coverage.spatialsafety proceduresru
dc.coverage.spatialsafety protocolsru
dc.coverage.spatialtechniques in the chemical laboratoryru
dc.coverage.spatialпротоколы безопасностиru
dc.coverage.spatialпроцедуры безопасностиru
dc.coverage.spatialтехники в химической лабораторииru
dc.coverage.spatialхимические лабораторииru
dc.creatorElzagheid M.ru
dc.date.accessioned2024-07-19 15:34:20-
dc.date.available2024-07-19 15:34:20-
dc.identifier.citationElzagheid, M. Chemical Laboratory : Safety and Techniques / Mohamed Elzagheid. - Berlin ; Boston : De Gruyter, 2022. - 1 file (22,1 Mb) (173 p.). - ISBN = 9783110779110, 9783110779127, 9783110779462. - Текст : электронныйru
dc.description.abstractThis book covers techniques in the chemical laboratory and safety procedures that are crucial to making the laboratory a safe workplace. The book is divided into two sections, the 1st comprehensively covering safety protocols in a chemical laboratory and the 2nd detailing important techniques to master. This book can be utilized by graduate students, laboratory technicians, and laboratory chemists.ru
dc.description.abstractВ этой книге рассматриваются методы работы в химической лаборатории и процедуры обеспечения безопасности, которые имеют решающее значение для превращения лаборатории в безопасное рабочее место. Книга разделена на два раздела: в 1-м всесторонне рассматриваются протоколы безопасности в химической лаборатории, а во 2-м подробно описываются важные методы, которыми необходимо овладеть. Эта книга может быть использована аспирантами, лаборантами и химиками-лаборантами.ru
dc.description.abstractИспользуемые программы Adobe Acrobatru
dc.publisherDe Gruyterru
dc.titleChemical Laboratoryru
dc.textpart– There is a need for safety traps to protect the manometer and the source of dis- charge from contamination caused by excess fluid. The trap must be connected correctly. – A pressure gauge is also required. Air must be allowed to enter the vacuum sys- tem slowly to avoid breakage when the column of mercury rises to the top of the closed tube. – Manostat (pressure regulator) is required to maintain constant pressure in the system, it automatically opens and close...-
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