Отрывок: The precursor/particle collisions will become more frequent and fewer latex particles are produced. The dNc/dt will approach zero and over long times the number of latex par- ticles remain constant. This shows the inadequacy of the Smith–Ewart theory which predicts a constant exponent (3/5) at all surfactant concentrations. For this reason, the coagulative nucleation mechanism has now been accepted as the most probable theory for emulsion polymerization. In al...
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dc.contributor.authorTharwat F. Tadrosru
dc.coverage.spatialpaints and coatingsru
dc.coverage.spatialfood colloidsru
dc.coverage.spatialпищевые коллоидыru
dc.coverage.spatialкраски и покрытияru
dc.creatorTharwat F. Tadrosru
dc.date.accessioned2023-12-08 11:37:59-
dc.date.available2023-12-08 11:37:59-
dc.identifierRU\НТБ СГАУ\540754ru
dc.identifier.citationTharwat F. Tadros Agrochemicals, Paints and Coatings and Food Colloids / Tharwat F. Tadros. - De Gruyter, 2018. - 288 p. - ISBN = 9783110587555. - Текст : электронныйru
dc.description.abstractТом 4 "Наука и технология рецептур" представляет собой обзор применения рецептур в различных областях, основанный на теориях, представленных в томах 1 и 2. В нем содержатся подробные объяснения и множество реальных примеров для ученых-исследователей, университетов и практиков отрасли в области агрохимикатов, красок и покрытий, а также пищевых коллоидов.ru
dc.description.abstractVolume 4 of Formulation Science and Technology is a survey of the applications of formulations in a variety of fields, based on the theories presented in Volumes 1 and 2. It offers in-depth explanations and a wealth of real-world examples for research scientists, universities, and industry practitioners in the fields of Agrochemicals, Paints and Coatings and Food Colloids.ru
dc.publisherDe Gruyterru
dc.titleAgrochemicals, Paints and Coatings and Food Colloidsru
dc.textpartThe precursor/particle collisions will become more frequent and fewer latex particles are produced. The dNc/dt will approach zero and over long times the number of latex par- ticles remain constant. This shows the inadequacy of the Smith–Ewart theory which predicts a constant exponent (3/5) at all surfactant concentrations. For this reason, the coagulative nucleation mechanism has now been accepted as the most probable theory for emulsion polymerization. In al...-
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