Отрывок: The solvent was then evaporated, leading to formation of a densely filled coating at the interface. When the liquids evaporate, a single layer of nanoparticles covering the base is left behind (fig. 16). Using particles provides an easy and straightforward way to form new membranes. As can be observed, a lot of the breakthroughs were discovered from materials that are already known to us. They were also not very complex particles. Creating new particles to form novel membranes ...
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dc.contributor.authorAltalhi T.ru
dc.contributor.authorMohd Imran Ahamedru
dc.contributor.authorLuqman M.ru
dc.coverage.spatialпищевая промышленностьru
dc.coverage.spatialмолекулярные зондыru
dc.coverage.spatialизготовление мембранru
dc.coverage.spatialполимерные мембраныru
dc.coverage.spatialfood processingru
dc.coverage.spatialmembrane fabricationru
dc.coverage.spatialmolecular probesru
dc.coverage.spatialpolymer membranesru
dc.date.accessioned2023-12-08 11:37:29-
dc.date.available2023-12-08 11:37:29-
dc.identifierRU\НТБ СГАУ\540842ru
dc.identifier.citationAdvanced Functional Membranes / edited by Inamuddin, Tariq Altalhi, Mohd Imran Ahamed, Mohammad Luqman. - Millersville : Materials Research Forum LLC, 2022. - 1 file (11,7 Mb) (228 p.). - ISBN = 978-1-64490-180-9, 978-1-64490-181-6. - Текст : электронныйru
dc.description.abstractFunctional membranes are used in food processing, sensor technology, medical and biomedical devices, desalination, waste water treatment, CO2 capture, energy production and energy storage, optoelectronics etc. The book reviews recent advances in the field and discusses challenges and perspectives.ru
dc.description.abstractФункциональные мембраны используются в пищевой промышленности, сенсорной технике, медицинских и биомедицинских приборах, опреснении, очистке сточных вод, улавливании CO2, производстве и хранении энергии, оптоэлектронике и т.д. В книге дается обзор последних достижений в этой области и обсуждаются проблемы и перспективы.ru
dc.description.abstractИспользуемые программы Adobe Acrobatru
dc.publisherMaterials Research Forum LLCru
dc.titleAdvanced Functional Membranesru
dc.textpartThe solvent was then evaporated, leading to formation of a densely filled coating at the interface. When the liquids evaporate, a single layer of nanoparticles covering the base is left behind (fig. 16). Using particles provides an easy and straightforward way to form new membranes. As can be observed, a lot of the breakthroughs were discovered from materials that are already known to us. They were also not very complex particles. Creating new particles to form novel membranes ...-
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