Отрывок: 5 teraFLOPS. Experiments and results Simulation using real-world video images and devel- oped software has been carried out in order to demon- strate the possibility of quadruple video compression with subsequent restoration in real time. The considered compression and restoration methods are applicable to video images of any resolution and frame rate,...
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dc.contributor.authorDrynkin, V.N.-
dc.contributor.authorNabokov, S.A.-
dc.contributor.authorTsareva, T.I.-
dc.date.accessioned2019-04-08 14:24:51-
dc.date.available2019-04-08 14:24:51-
dc.identifier.citationDrynkin, V.N. Video images compression and restoration methods based on optimal sampling / V.N. Drynkin, S.A. Nabokov, T.I. Tsareva // Computer Optics. - 2019. - Vol. 43, Issue 1. - P. 115-122. - DOI: 10.18287/2412-6179-2019-43-1-115-122.ru
dc.description.abstractThe study proposes video images compression and restoration methods based on multidimensional sampling theory that provide four-fold video compression and subsequent real-time restoration with loss levels below visually perceptible threshold. The proposed methods can be used separately or along with any other video compression techniques, thus providing additional quadruple compression.ru
dc.publisherСамарский национальный исследовательский университет им. акакдемика С.П. Королева, Институт систем обработки изображений РАН - филиал ФНИЦ «Кристаллография и фотоника» РАНru
dc.subjectvideo image compressionru
dc.subjectimage reconstruction-restorationru
dc.subjectthree-dimensional image processingru
dc.subjectquincuncial samplingru
dc.subjectspatial filteringru
dc.subjectspatial resolutionru
dc.titleVideo images compression and restoration methods based on optimal samplingru
dc.textpart5 teraFLOPS. Experiments and results Simulation using real-world video images and devel- oped software has been carried out in order to demon- strate the possibility of quadruple video compression with subsequent restoration in real time. The considered compression and restoration methods are applicable to video images of any resolution and frame rate,...-
Располагается в коллекциях: Журнал "Компьютерная оптика"

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