Отрывок: The primaries of the display pixels are thus represent the transition matrix B from individual pixel (hardware) space to standard XYZ coordinates. The output of the algorithm is a set of HW compensa- tion matrices C of size 3 × 3, or, depending on the type of calibration, a set of 3D compensation vectors C. The algorithm is based on the minimization of the fol- lowing functional: , , , ( ) ( ( ( , ))...
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dc.contributor.authorBasova, O.A.-
dc.contributor.authorGladilin, S.A.-
dc.contributor.authorGrigoryev, A.S.-
dc.contributor.authorNikolaev, D.P.-
dc.date.accessioned2023-02-21 10:23:17-
dc.date.available2023-02-21 10:23:17-
dc.identifier.citationBasova OA, Gladilin SA, Grigoryev AS, Nikolaev DP. Two calibration models for compensation of the individual elements properties of self-emitting displays. Computer Optics 2022; 46(2): 335-344. DOI: 10.18287/2412-6179-CO-854.ru
dc.description.abstractIn this paper, we examine the applicability limits of different methods of compensation of the individual properties of self-emitting displays with significant non-uniformity of chromaticity and maximum brightness. The aim of the compensation is to minimize the perceived image non-uniformity. Compensation of the displayed image non-uniformity is based on minimizing the perceived distance between the target (ideally displayed) and the simulated image displayed by the calibrated screen. The S-CIELAB model of the human visual system properties is used to estimate the perceived distance between two images. In this work, we compare the efficiency of the channel-wise and linear (with channel mixing) compensation models depending on the models of variation in the characteristics of display elements (subpixels). It was found that even for a display with uniform chromatic subpixels characteristics, the linear model with channel mixing is superior in terms of compensation accuracy.ru
dc.description.sponsorshipThis work was supported by Russian Science Foundation (Project No. 20-61-47089).ru
dc.publisherСамарский национальный исследовательский университетru
dc.subjectdead pixel compensationru
dc.subjectnon-uniformity compensationru
dc.subjectdisplay calibrationru
dc.subjectimage enhancementru
dc.subjectspatial filteringru
dc.subjectspatial resolutionru
dc.subjecthuman visual system modelru
dc.titleTwo calibration models for compensation of the individual elements properties of self-emitting displaysru
dc.textpartThe primaries of the display pixels are thus represent the transition matrix B from individual pixel (hardware) space to standard XYZ coordinates. The output of the algorithm is a set of HW compensa- tion matrices C of size 3 × 3, or, depending on the type of calibration, a set of 3D compensation vectors C. The algorithm is based on the minimization of the fol- lowing functional: , , , ( ) ( ( ( , ))...-
Располагается в коллекциях: Журнал "Компьютерная оптика"

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