Отрывок: 75 0.0078663 0.8788 0.0619 0.47 0.8667 0.0740 0.71 RMS 0.0275 10.63 0.0028337 0.0710 – 0.0435 0.08 0.1655 – 0.1380 0.13 min 0.8647 24.38 0.003537 0.6212 0.2435 0.31 0.3182 0.5464 0.44 class #3 (65 objects) max 0.9844 73.86 0.015681 0.9770 0.0075 0.69 0.9844 0.0000 0.93 mean 0.9483 56.90 0.007655 0.9358 0.0125 0.76 0.9426 0.0058 0.66 RMS 0.0204 7.10 0.0030141 0.0274 – 0.0070 0.11 0.0269 – 0.0065 0.15 min 0.8989 36.66 0.002582 0.8544 0.0446 0.53 0.8674 0.0315 0.48 class #4 (72 objec...
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dc.contributor.authorSeredin, O.S.-
dc.contributor.authorKushnir, O.A.-
dc.contributor.authorFedotova, S.A.-
dc.date.accessioned2023-12-29 12:59:08-
dc.date.available2023-12-29 12:59:08-
dc.identifier.citationSeredin OS, Kushnir OA, Fedotova SA. Comparative analysis of reflection symmetry detection methods in binary raster images with skeletal and contour representations. Computer Optics 2022; 46(6): 921-928. DOI: 10.18287/2412-6179-CO-1115.ru
dc.description.abstractThe study is a comparative analysis of two fast reflection symmetry axis detection methods: an algorithm to refine the symmetry axis found with a chain of skeletal primitives and a boundary method based on the Fourier descriptor. We tested the algorithms with binary raster images of plant leaves (FLAVIA database). The symmetry axis detection quality and performance indicate that both methods can be used to solve applied problems. Neither method demonstrated any significant advantage in terms of accuracy or performance. It is advisable to integrate both methods for solving real-life problems.ru
dc.description.sponsorshipThis study was supported by the Russian Science Foundation, Grant No. 22-21-00575, https://rscf.ru/project/22-21-00575/.ru
dc.publisherСамарский национальный исследовательский университетru
dc.subjectbinary raster imageru
dc.subjectreflection symmetryru
dc.subjectJaccard measureru
dc.subjectFourier descriptorru
dc.titleComparative analysis of reflection symmetry detection methods in binary raster images with skeletal and contour representationsru
dc.textpart75 0.0078663 0.8788 0.0619 0.47 0.8667 0.0740 0.71 RMS 0.0275 10.63 0.0028337 0.0710 – 0.0435 0.08 0.1655 – 0.1380 0.13 min 0.8647 24.38 0.003537 0.6212 0.2435 0.31 0.3182 0.5464 0.44 class #3 (65 objects) max 0.9844 73.86 0.015681 0.9770 0.0075 0.69 0.9844 0.0000 0.93 mean 0.9483 56.90 0.007655 0.9358 0.0125 0.76 0.9426 0.0058 0.66 RMS 0.0204 7.10 0.0030141 0.0274 – 0.0070 0.11 0.0269 – 0.0065 0.15 min 0.8989 36.66 0.002582 0.8544 0.0446 0.53 0.8674 0.0315 0.48 class #4 (72 objec...-
dc.classindex.scsti29.31.15, 29.33.43, 20.53.23-
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