Отрывок: 3). Fig. 3. Penetrable structure of high-speed train streamlined surface sections Internal partitions 4 are located between the outer and inner shells, dividing the formed cavity into separated sections 5. Active control of turbulent flows over different sections is carried out by means of a closed control system. Internal partitions are made vertical, horizontal or intersecting, each of the sections formed by inner partition...
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dc.contributor.authorShkvar, Ye.O.-
dc.contributor.authorShi-ju, E-
dc.contributor.authorKryzhanovskyi, A.S.-
dc.date.accessioned2021-07-06 13:34:54-
dc.date.available2021-07-06 13:34:54-
dc.identifier.citationShkvar , Ye.O. Еngineering implementation of high-speed train drag reduction technology, based on microblowing / Shkvar Ye.O., E Shi-ju, Kryzhanovskyi A.S. // Управление движением и навигация летательных аппаратов: Сборник трудов XXII Всероссийского семинара по управлению движением и навигации летательных аппаратов: Часть I. (г. Самара, 13-14 июня 2019 г.) / Самар. нац. исслед. ун-т им. С. П. Королева – Самара, Изд-во Самарского федерального исследовательского центра РАН, 2020. – С. 176-180.ru
dc.publisherИзд-во Самарский федеральный исследовательский центр РАНru
dc.titleЕngineering implementation of high-speed train drag reduction technology, based on microblowingru
dc.textpart3). Fig. 3. Penetrable structure of high-speed train streamlined surface sections Internal partitions 4 are located between the outer and inner shells, dividing the formed cavity into separated sections 5. Active control of turbulent flows over different sections is carried out by means of a closed control system. Internal partitions are made vertical, horizontal or intersecting, each of the sections formed by inner partition...-
Располагается в коллекциях: Управление движением и навигация ЛА

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