Отрывок: This allows to “design” the final result, to calculate the effectiveness of problem- solving techniques taking into account available (or expected) resources. [34] It should be noted that not just the constructive phase of the project development but goal setting as well is a kind of creative process. The objective of the project (“desired” image) is always beyond the frames of real conditions of subject-object domain. Based on real social problems, ...
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Поле DC Значение Язык
dc.coverage.spatialонтология проектированияru
dc.identifierRU/НТБ СГАУ/WALL/629.7/B 78-140144ru
dc.identifier.citationOntology of Designing [Текст] : electronic textbook / N. M. Borgest ; [tr. D. N. Borgest] ; The Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation, Samara State Aerospace University (National Research University). - 2011. - Pt. 1: Concerpts and Principles ; Ontology of Designing [Электронный ресурс]ru
dc.description.abstractТруды сотрудников СГАУ(электрон. версия).ru
dc.description.abstractИспользуемые программы: Adobe Acrobat.ru
dc.format.extentElectronic text and graphic data (1 файл : 1,67 Mb)ru
dc.relation.ispartofOntology of Designing [Текст] : electronic textbookru
dc.titleConcerpts and Principlesru
dc.textpartThis allows to “design” the final result, to calculate the effectiveness of problem- solving techniques taking into account available (or expected) resources. [34] It should be noted that not just the constructive phase of the project development but goal setting as well is a kind of creative process. The objective of the project (“desired” image) is always beyond the frames of real conditions of subject-object domain. Based on real social problems, ...-
Располагается в коллекциях: Учебные издания

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