Отрывок: Therefore, gathering “collective wisdom” makes their fraudulent means “evolving” more perfect, especially as a criminal means of high technology. The diversification of ПРАВОВОЕ РЕГУЛИРОВАНИЕ ОБЩЕСТВЕННЫХ ОТНОШЕНИЙ НА ЗЕМЛЕ И В КОСМИЧЕСКОМ ПРОСТРАНСТВЕ ~ 205 ~ the ways of crime and crime has made the victims of various countries invincible. The longest way for these victims to "walk" is probably the routine of such fra...
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dc.contributor.authorHaiying, L.-
dc.date.accessioned2018-12-10 13:39:40-
dc.date.available2018-12-10 13:39:40-
dc.identifier.citationHaiying L. Crime Control of Transnational Telecommunication Network Fraud: Problems and Measures / L. Haiying, F. Jiangtao // Правовое регулирование общественных отношений на земле и в космическом пространстве: материалы международной научно-практической молодежной конференции - Самара: Изд-во «Самарский университет», 2018. – С. 203-206.ru
dc.description.abstractThe global popularization of telecommunication networks has changed the way how citizens communicate in different countries from face-to-face in the limited physical space to virtual space. This has also led to kinds of transnational telecommunication network frauds, that transnational situation in the place of crime behavior,the place of crime result and the place of leasing server. The enhancement of consciousness and ability of criminal’s anti-investigation has significantly improved the difficulty of governance. In view of this phenomenon, China has launched special actions to combat this kind of crimes. Although it has made some achievements, the hidden problems have gradually emerged. Therefore, it is necessary to reach a consensus among countries through improving the relevant legislation and signing agreements, to build a mechanism for sharing criminal assets and to control the source of the criminal industrial chain. It can help to reduce the survival space of the crime, which will finally minimize the harm of transnational telecommunications fraud.ru
dc.publisherИзд-во «Самарский университет»ru
dc.subjecttransnational crimesru
dc.subjecttelecommunication network fraudru
dc.subjectinternational cooperationru
dc.subjectcrime controlru
dc.titleCrime Control of Transnational Telecommunication Network Fraud: Problems and Measuresru
dc.textpartTherefore, gathering “collective wisdom” makes their fraudulent means “evolving” more perfect, especially as a criminal means of high technology. The diversification of ПРАВОВОЕ РЕГУЛИРОВАНИЕ ОБЩЕСТВЕННЫХ ОТНОШЕНИЙ НА ЗЕМЛЕ И В КОСМИЧЕСКОМ ПРОСТРАНСТВЕ ~ 205 ~ the ways of crime and crime has made the victims of various countries invincible. The longest way for these victims to "walk" is probably the routine of such fra...-

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