Отрывок: The question: “Which is more important today: to provide economic growth or protect the environment?” was answered as follows: 39.1 per cent of respondents said it was more important to provide economic growth; 32.3 per cent claimed it was more important to protect the environment; 28.6 per cent found it difficult to answer. The question “Do you agree to give away part of your income so that the money could be used to prevent environment pollution?” was answered in the ...
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dc.contributor.authorSosnina T. N.ru
dc.contributor.authorPidareva M. N.ru
dc.contributor.authorBezrukova E. I.ru
dc.contributor.authorMinistry of Education and Science of the Russian Federationru
dc.contributor.authorState Educational Institution of Higher Professional Learning Samara State Architecture-Construction Universityru
dc.contributor.authorState Educational Institution of Higher Professional Learning Samara State Aerospace University named after academician S. P. Korolyovru
dc.contributor.authorThe Russian Academia of Ecology Samara Regional Departmentru
dc.coverage.spatialanthropogenic activityru
dc.coverage.spatialthree-criterion theory of the balance of valueru
dc.coverage.spatialV.I. Vernadsky’s law of economyru
dc.coverage.spatialvalue parametersru
dc.coverage.spatialантропогенные нарушенияru
dc.coverage.spatialантропогенная деятельностьru
dc.coverage.spatialанализ стоимостных параметровru
dc.coverage.spatialбиогеохимические циклыru
dc.coverage.spatialсохранение биоразнообразияru
dc.coverage.spatialсхема утилизации отходовru
dc.coverage.spatialстоимость существованияru
dc.coverage.spatialстоимостные механизмыru
dc.coverage.spatialстоимость ресурсосберегающих технологийru
dc.coverage.spatialстоимостные показателиru
dc.coverage.spatialсреда обитанияru
dc.coverage.spatialэкология человекаru
dc.coverage.spatialэкологический мониторингru
dc.coverage.spatialэкологические ущербыru
dc.coverage.spatialэкологические проблемыru
dc.coverage.spatialэкологические кризисыru
dc.coverage.spatialэкологические платежиru
dc.coverage.spatialэкологические организацииru
dc.coverage.spatialхронология глобальных измененийru
dc.coverage.spatialутилизация отходовru
dc.coverage.spatialтеория стоимостиru
dc.coverage.spatialбиосферная стоимостьru
dc.coverage.spatialживая природаru
dc.coverage.spatialдискомфорт человекаru
dc.coverage.spatialдеформация биосферыru
dc.coverage.spatialзакон бережливости Вернадскогоru
dc.coverage.spatialживое веществоru
dc.coverage.spatialздоровье человекаru
dc.coverage.spatialвыживание человекаru
dc.coverage.spatialгорнодобывающие отраслиru
dc.coverage.spatialглобальные моделиru
dc.coverage.spatialглобальные исследованияru
dc.coverage.spatialкачество жизниru
dc.coverage.spatialоценка ущербаru
dc.coverage.spatialпищевые ресурсыru
dc.coverage.spatialпотребительная стоимостьru
dc.coverage.spatialрасчеты ресурсосберегающих технологийru
dc.coverage.spatialресурсосберегающие технологииru
dc.coverage.spatialпродукт трудаru
dc.coverage.spatialприродосберегающие технологииru
dc.coverage.spatialприродоохранная деятельностьru
dc.coverage.spatialпрогнозирование глобальных измененийru
dc.coverage.spatialприродные водыru
dc.coverage.spatialприродные системыru
dc.coverage.spatialприродные ресурсыru
dc.coverage.spatialпромышленные производстваru
dc.coverage.spatialкомпенсация ущербаru
dc.coverage.spatialконцепция устойчивого развитияru
dc.coverage.spatialкруговороты веществru
dc.coverage.spatialкризисы биотехносферыru
dc.coverage.spatialохрана природыru
dc.coverage.spatialокружающая средаru
dc.coverage.spatialнеживая природаru
dc.creatorSosnina T. N.ru
dc.identifier.citationSosnina, T. N. Biosphere: Analysis of Value Parameters. - Монографии / T. N. Sosnina ; translated from Russian into English by M. N. Pidareva, E. I. Bezrukova ; Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation, State Educational Institution of Higher Professio. - Samara : Samar. state aerospace un-ty :State Architecture-Construction Academy, 2009. - on-line. - ISBN = 978-5-7883-0718-3ru
dc.description.abstractValue parameters of biosphere in the view of its qualitative-quantitative characteristics are analyzed. Interpretation variant of value estimation of deformation processes of organic and inorganic nature under the impact of anthropogenic activity from the view point of V.I. Vernadsky’s law of economy is suggested. Besides, the ways of saving the use value and value properties of biosphere are analyzed. The expediency of transformation of two-criterion theory of value into the three-criterion theory of the balance of value, where the ecologic component performs the function of the key criterion has been founded. The calculation of the expenses on the production and estimation of its usefulness makes up the basis of this theory. The book is intended for teachers, postgraduates and students. It will be helpful to all people who are interested in socio-economic problems of ecology. It may be used in process of training as well at teaching students on speciality “Engineering protection of the environment”. The autru
dc.description.abstractТруды сотрудников СГАУ (электрон. версия)ru
dc.description.abstractИспользуемые программы: Adobe Acrobat.ru
dc.format.extentЭлектрон. дан. (1 файл : 1,58 Мб)ru
dc.publisherSamar. state aerospace un-ty :State Architecture-Construction Academyru
dc.titleBiosphere: Analysis of Value Parametersru
dc.textpartThe question: “Which is more important today: to provide economic growth or protect the environment?” was answered as follows: 39.1 per cent of respondents said it was more important to provide economic growth; 32.3 per cent claimed it was more important to protect the environment; 28.6 per cent found it difficult to answer. The question “Do you agree to give away part of your income so that the money could be used to prevent environment pollution?” was answered in the ...-
Располагается в коллекциях: Монографии

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