Отрывок: The use of graphene improves aerodynamic properties of aircraft and, as a result, saves fuel. Military vehicles can potentially become undetectable to hostile radar devices, when graphene is applied to their surface. This is an obvious and significant combat advantage. At the same time, the general military equipment built with graphene benefits from reduced overall weight and increased flexibility. In addition, graphene...
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dc.contributor.authorOtlyachkina U. A.ru
dc.contributor.authorAvdeiko S. A.ru
dc.coverage.spatialаллотропная модификация углеродаru
dc.coverage.spatialоборонная промышленностьru
dc.coverage.spatialприменение графенаru
dc.coverage.spatialэксплуатационные свойстваru
dc.creatorOtlyachkina U. A., Avdeiko S. A.ru
dc.date.accessioned2021-11-30 11:24:07-
dc.date.available2021-11-30 11:24:07-
dc.identifierRU\НТБ СГАУ\471233ru
dc.identifier.citationOtlyachkina, U. A. Graphene in the defence industry. - Текст : электронный / U. A. Otlyachkina, S. A. Avdeiko // XVI Королевские чтения : междунар. молодеж. науч. конф., посвящ. 60-летию полета в космос Ю. А. Гагарина : сб. материалов : 5-7 окт. 2021 г. : в 3 т. / М-во науки и высш. образования Рос. Федерации, Самар. нац. исслед. ун-т им. С. П. Королева (Самар. ун-т) ; [науч. ред. М. А. Шлеенков]. - 2021. - Т. 1. - С. 34ru
dc.relation.ispartofXVI Королевские чтения : междунар. молодеж. науч. конф., посвящ. 60-летию полета в космос Ю. А. Гагарина : сб. материалов : 5-7 окт. 2021 г. : в 3 т.ru
dc.sourceXVI Королевские чтения. - Т. 1ru
dc.titleGraphene in the defence industryru
dc.textpartThe use of graphene improves aerodynamic properties of aircraft and, as a result, saves fuel. Military vehicles can potentially become undetectable to hostile radar devices, when graphene is applied to their surface. This is an obvious and significant combat advantage. At the same time, the general military equipment built with graphene benefits from reduced overall weight and increased flexibility. In addition, graphene...-
Располагается в коллекциях: Королевские чтения

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