Отрывок: poggi1980@gmail.com 2 Elia Arlette Ramos Abensur, bachelor of law, LLB from the School of Humanities of the University of Lima, email: elia.ramos.abensur@gmail.com LXXII Молодёжная научная конференция 214 The court called itself incompetent regarding the lawsuit for the violation of art. 2 of the Convention. As well as later, it reaffirmed its position through the sentence issued by the great chamber in 2013 when by thirteen votes against four the...
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dc.contributor.authorOlga Elena Ramírez Poggiru
dc.contributor.authorElia Arlette Ramos Abensurru
dc.coverage.spatialinternational lawru
dc.coverage.spatialinternational responsibilityru
dc.coverage.spatialwar crimeru
dc.coverage.spatialвоенные преступленияru
dc.coverage.spatialКатынская трагедияru
dc.coverage.spatialустановление ответственностиru
dc.coverage.spatialрасстрел польских военнопленныхru
dc.creatorOlga Elena Ramírez Poggi, Elia Arlette Ramos Abensurru
dc.date.accessioned2022-12-08 13:19:08-
dc.date.available2022-12-08 13:19:08-
dc.identifierRU\НТБ СГАУ\506760ru
dc.identifier.citationOlga Elena Ramírez Poggi The Katyn massacre: a view to the establishment of international responsibility / Olga Elena Ramírez Poggi, Elia Arlette Ramos Abensur // LXXII молодежная научная конференция, посвященная 80-летию КуАИ-СГАУ-Самарского университета, 115-летию со дня рождения академика С. П. Королева : тезисы докладов / М-во науки и высш. образования Рос. Федерации, Самар. нац. исслед. ун-т им. С. П. Королева (Самар. ун-т) ; отв. ред. А. Б. Прокофьев, ред. М. А. Шлеенков. - Самара : Изд-во Самар. ун-та, 2022. - С. 213-214.ru
dc.sourceLXXII молодежная научная конференция, посвященная 80-летию КуАИ-СГАУ-Самарского университета, 115-летию со дня рождения академика С. П. Королева : тезисы докладов. - Текст : электронныйru
dc.titleThe Katyn massacre: a view to the establishment of international responsibilityru
dc.textpartpoggi1980@gmail.com 2 Elia Arlette Ramos Abensur, bachelor of law, LLB from the School of Humanities of the University of Lima, email: elia.ramos.abensur@gmail.com LXXII Молодёжная научная конференция 214 The court called itself incompetent regarding the lawsuit for the violation of art. 2 of the Convention. As well as later, it reaffirmed its position through the sentence issued by the great chamber in 2013 when by thirteen votes against four the...-

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