Отрывок: In commercial aviation, the majority of accidents occurred on aircraft with a takeoff weight of less than 5,700 kg. It is this category that causes an increase in the number of accidents and disasters. Most of the aviation accidents are related to the human factor. The main problems of civil aviation that have a negative impact on flight safety today are: – flight personnel training; – financial difficulties of regional airlines; – the need to update the airlines fleet; – insuffic...
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dc.contributor.authorTikhonov V. A.ru
dc.contributor.authorDavydova S. O.ru
dc.contributor.authorChaikina A. A.ru
dc.coverage.spatialRussian civil aviationru
dc.coverage.spatialавиационные происшествияru
dc.coverage.spatialproblems of Russian civil aviationru
dc.coverage.spatialflight safety managementru
dc.coverage.spatialflight safety systemru
dc.coverage.spatialaviation accidentsru
dc.coverage.spatialaviation flight safetyru
dc.coverage.spatialбезопасность полетов авиацииru
dc.coverage.spatialгражданская авиация Россииru
dc.coverage.spatialпроблемы гражданской авиации РФru
dc.coverage.spatialсистема безопасности полетовru
dc.coverage.spatialуправление безопасностью полетовru
dc.creatorTikhonov V. A., Davydova S. O., Chaikina A. A.ru
dc.identifierRU\НТБ СГАУ\544516ru
dc.identifier.citationTikhonov, V. A. The analysis of the flight safety status in the Russian Federation in 2021 / V. A. Tikhonov, S. O. Davydova, A. A. Chaikina // XVII Королевские чтения : Всерос. молодеж. науч. конф. с междунар. участием, посвящ. 35-летию со дня первого полета МТКС "Энергия –Буран", (3–5 окт. 2023 г.). : [материалы конф.] : в 2 т. / М-во науки и высш. образования Рос. Федерации, Самар. нац. исслед. ун-т им. С. П. Королева (Самар. ун-т) ; [науч. ред. М. А. Шлеенков]. - Самара : Изд-во Самар. ун-та, 2023. - Т. 1. - С. 143.ru
dc.relation.ispartofXVII Королевские чтения : Всерос. молодеж. науч. конф. с междунар. участием, посвящ. 35-летию со дня первого полета МТКС "Энергия –Буран", (3–5 окт. 2ru
dc.sourceXVII Королевские чтения. - Т. 1ru
dc.titleThe analysis of the flight safety status in the Russian Federation in 2021ru
dc.textpartIn commercial aviation, the majority of accidents occurred on aircraft with a takeoff weight of less than 5,700 kg. It is this category that causes an increase in the number of accidents and disasters. Most of the aviation accidents are related to the human factor. The main problems of civil aviation that have a negative impact on flight safety today are: – flight personnel training; – financial difficulties of regional airlines; – the need to update the airlines fleet; – insuffic...-
Располагается в коллекциях: Королевские чтения

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