Отрывок: The study and training plan was planned based on the engineering curriculum called: Renewable Energies. This plan is nationally approved by the secretary of public education. With this plan, engineers are trained in a total period of 16 months, taking into account that 8 months are considered within the curriculum of the universities, the following 8 months are financed by the technology company, the study topics for managers are in ta...
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dc.contributor.authorGutiérrez Cidel O. F.ru
dc.contributor.authorEfimova E. A.ru
dc.coverage.spatialобразовательная системаru
dc.coverage.spatialменеджеры среднего звенаru
dc.coverage.spatialМексиканские технологические компанииru
dc.coverage.spatialвертикальная интеграцияru
dc.coverage.spatialвозобновляемые источники энергииru
dc.coverage.spatialпрограммы подготовки менеджеровru
dc.coverage.spatialорганизационная структура персоналаru
dc.coverage.spatialфинансирование технологической компанией (8 месяцев)ru
dc.coverage.spatialучебная программа вузов (8 месяцев)ru
dc.coverage.spatialтемы исследованияru
dc.creatorGutiérrez Cidel O. F., Efimova E. A.ru
dc.date.accessioned2021-12-21 16:27:18-
dc.date.available2021-12-21 16:27:18-
dc.identifierRU\НТБ СГАУ\472961ru
dc.identifier.citationGutiérrez Cidel, O. F. Design of the program for the training of managers and middle ranks in a renewable energy company. - Текст : электронный / O. F. Gutiérrez Cidel, E. A. Efimova // XVI Королевские чтения : междунар. молодеж. науч. конф., посвящ. 60-летию полета в космос Ю. А. Гагарина : сб. материалов : 5-7 окт. 2021 г. : в 3 т. / М-во науки и высш. образования Рос. Федерации, Самар. нац. исслед. ун-т им. С. П. Королева (Самар. ун-т) ; [науч. ред. М. А. Шлеенков]. - 2021. - Т. 2. - С. 625-626ru
dc.relation.ispartofXVI Королевские чтения : междунар. молодеж. науч. конф., посвящ. 60-летию полета в космос Ю. А. Гагарина : сб. материалов : 5-7 окт. 2021 г. : в 3 т.ru
dc.sourceXVI Королевские чтения. - Т. 2ru
dc.titleDesign of the program for the training of managers and middle ranks in a renewable energy companyru
dc.textpartThe study and training plan was planned based on the engineering curriculum called: Renewable Energies. This plan is nationally approved by the secretary of public education. With this plan, engineers are trained in a total period of 16 months, taking into account that 8 months are considered within the curriculum of the universities, the following 8 months are financed by the technology company, the study topics for managers are in ta...-
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