Отрывок: The axis of each beam in the array is inclined at a small angle relative to the optical axis of the crystal. In paper [7] it was shown, that the structure of intensity of bottle-beam in case of initially circularly polarized light experience dramatical changes with increasing value of inclination angle . At the value  = 00, beam has highly symmetric structure. However, starting from ...
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dc.contributor.authorShostka, N.V.-
dc.contributor.authorKarakchieva, O.S.-
dc.contributor.authorSokolenko, B.V.-
dc.contributor.authorShostka, V.I.-
dc.date.accessioned2019-04-22 10:47:20-
dc.date.available2019-04-22 10:47:20-
dc.identifier.citationShostka N.V. System of optical traps for controlled three-dimensional shifting / N.V. Shostka, O.S. Karakchieva, B.V. Sokolenko, V.I. Shostka // Сборник трудов ИТНТ-2019 [Текст] : V междунар. конф. и молодеж. шк. "Информ. технологии и нанотехнологии" : 21-24 мая : в 4 т. / Самар. нац.-исслед. ун-т им. С. П. Королева (Самар. ун-т), Ин-т систем. обраб. изобр. РАН-фил. ФНИЦ "Кристаллография и фотоника" РАН ; [под ред. Р. В. Скиданова]. - Самара: Новая техника, 2019. - Т. 1 : Компьютерная оптика и нанофотоника. - 2019. - С. 116-118.ru
dc.description.abstractOptical traps created on the basis of singular beams allow capturing living cells and microorganisms for their further study by optical microscopy. Such traps have important practical characteristics, such as the preservation of the minimum intensity on the beam axis, which avoids unwanted overheating of the captured object, as well as to keep the object in transverse coordinates. On the other hand, in many practical purposes it is necessary to restrict the shifting of the captured object and in the longitudinal direction. Finding ways to generate such three-dimensional traps is currently one of the priorities of world optics. In recent years, a number of papers have been published on capturing and transmitting both single particles and whole arrays of light absorbing particles in the air. However, the issue of control over the structure of an array of particles and of the position of individual elements in it is only beginning to be considered by the world scientific community. The practical realization is directly related to the formation of optical beams with the necessary three-dimensional configuration of the intensity of the light field and given polarization properties. This project proposes the development of a method of microparticles capturing and controlled real-time changing in their positions in three coordinates.ru
dc.publisherИзд-во «Новая техника»ru
dc.titleSystem of optical traps for controlled three-dimensional shiftingru
dc.textpartThe axis of each beam in the array is inclined at a small angle relative to the optical axis of the crystal. In paper [7] it was shown, that the structure of intensity of bottle-beam in case of initially circularly polarized light experience dramatical changes with increasing value of inclination angle . At the value  = 00, beam has highly symmetric structure. However, starting from ...-
Располагается в коллекциях: Информационные технологии и нанотехнологии

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