Отрывок: ) For instance, this fact can be shown by brute force algorithm, which may be implemented using the remainder of this paper. However, we will not consider this example in more details. 5. Constructing walibad using its table of # In this section, we consider an example of inequivalent transformation of automaton 𝐿#. This transformation preserves the given table of binary relations #.We give a specific example of work of such an algorithm. In the next pape...
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dc.contributor.authorMelnikov, B.-
dc.contributor.authorDudnikov, V.-
dc.date.accessioned2017-05-19 15:16:28-
dc.date.available2017-05-19 15:16:28-
dc.identifier.citationMelnikov B. Some new heuristical algorithms for minimization of nondeterministic finite automata / B. Melnikov, V. Dudnikov // Сборник трудов III международной конференции и молодежной школы «Информационные технологии и нанотехнологии» (ИТНТ-2017) - Самара: Новая техника, 2017. - С. 1079-1085.ru
dc.description.abstractIn this paper, we propose an algorithm example for the transformation of so-called complete automaton given by a table of binary relation #. At the same time, we know that for this table for the binary relation #, there exists some corresponding nondeterministic automaton having Waterloo-like badness. The proposed transformation, which is not equivalent, is the serial removal of a state and combining a pair of states. It gives the opportunity to build on the basis of the given relation # some automaton which also has the walibad-property. And, generally speaking, the obtained automaton is different from the known in advance.ru
dc.publisherНовая техникаru
dc.subjectnondeterministic finite automataru
dc.subjectuniversal automaton; covering set of blocksru
dc.subjectcovering automatonru
dc.subjectWaterloo automatonru
dc.subjectbasis automatonru
dc.subjectcomplete automatonru
dc.titleSome new heuristical algorithms for minimization of nondeterministic finite automataru
dc.textpart) For instance, this fact can be shown by brute force algorithm, which may be implemented using the remainder of this paper. However, we will not consider this example in more details. 5. Constructing walibad using its table of # In this section, we consider an example of inequivalent transformation of automaton 𝐿#. This transformation preserves the given table of binary relations #.We give a specific example of work of such an algorithm. In the next pape...-
Располагается в коллекциях: Информационные технологии и нанотехнологии

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