Отрывок: As a result, a high sensitivity of IDT to a change in frequency (in the vicinity of a resonant one), both in energy and in mechanical stresses, was noted. 2. Developing build-in model in Cadence Virtuoso According to the simulation results, it is possible to specify the description of the IDT in Cadence Virtuoso as an embedded library element. In Cadence Virtuoso CAD, this is possible to use the Component Description Format (CDF). CDF al...
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dc.contributor.authorBocharov, I.V.-
dc.contributor.authorKozlova, I.N.-
dc.date.accessioned2019-04-22 11:07:45-
dc.date.available2019-04-22 11:07:45-
dc.identifier.citationBocharov I.V. Microelectronics component designing by Cadence software / Bocharov I.V., Kozlova I.N. // Сборник трудов ИТНТ-2019 [Текст]: V междунар. конф. и молодеж. шк. "Информ. технологии и нанотехнологии": 21-24 мая: в 4 т. / Самар. нац.-исслед. ун-т им. С. П. Королева (Самар. ун-т), Ин-т систем. обраб. изобр. РАН-фил. ФНИЦ "Кристаллография и фотоника" РАН; [под ред. В.А. Соболева]. - Самара: Новая техника, 2019. – Т. 3: Математическое моделирование физико-технических процессов и систем. - 2019. - С. 139-140.ru
dc.description.abstractAcoustic-electronic radio components on surface acoustic waves (SAW) are the most promising class of radio-frequency filters in the frequency range from 20 to 2500 MHz. The most important feature that determines the rapid introduction of acoustoelectronic radio components into modern information systems is the possibility of combining manufacturing processes with micro and nanotechnologies, high temperature stability and reliability, and small weight and size characteristics. Element performing excitation and reception of acoustic waves in all devices types is an interdigital transducer (IDT), which is a grid of metal electrodes deposited on the surface of the piezoelectric.ru
dc.publisherНовая техникаru
dc.titleMicroelectronics component designing by Cadence softwareru
dc.textpartAs a result, a high sensitivity of IDT to a change in frequency (in the vicinity of a resonant one), both in energy and in mechanical stresses, was noted. 2. Developing build-in model in Cadence Virtuoso According to the simulation results, it is possible to specify the description of the IDT in Cadence Virtuoso as an embedded library element. In Cadence Virtuoso CAD, this is possible to use the Component Description Format (CDF). CDF al...-
Располагается в коллекциях: Информационные технологии и нанотехнологии

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