Отрывок: In confirmation of this at a number of industrial enterprises. 3. Development of the structure of the hardware and software complex MCS The development of intellectual MCS is aimed at solving the task of organizing and providing control over the movement of products through the territory of industrial enterprises, handling and cargo transportation, including warehousing of...
Название : Methods of RFID data processing in intelligent systems for the identification and movement control of industrial products
Авторы/Редакторы : A.V. Astafiev
A.A. Orlov
D.P. Popov
M.V. Pshenichkin
Ключевые слова : RFID
movement control
Дата публикации : 2018
Издательство : Новая техника
Библиографическое описание : A.V. Astafiev. Methods of RFID data processing in intelligent systems for the identification and movement control of industrial products / A.V. Astafiev, A.A. Orlov, D.P. Popov, M.V. Pshenichkin // Сборник трудов IV международной конференции и молодежной школы «Информационные технологии и нанотехнологии» (ИТНТ-2018) - Самара: Новая техника, 2018. - С.2491-2497.
Аннотация : The article describes the development and research of methods of RFID data processing to build intelligent systems that provide timely and reliable automatic movement control and identification of industrial products. Conducted and presented an analytical review of Russian and foreign scientific-technical base for the development of methods and algorithms for movement control systems. The structure of the hardware-software complex of the system developed. The method of movement control products is presented. We presented experimental studies of the developed system and methods.
Описание : Основная статья
URI (Унифицированный идентификатор ресурса) : http://repo.ssau.ru/handle/Informacionnye-tehnologii-i-nanotehnologii/Methods-of-RFID-data-processing-in-intelligent-systems-for-the-identification-and-movement-control-of-industrial-products-69632
Другие идентификаторы : Dspace\SGAU\20180518\69632
Располагается в коллекциях: Информационные технологии и нанотехнологии

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