Отрывок: 2. Calculating the deviation metric for a particular user. You need to select topics and convert them to a key-value view. After that you need to process the data pairs and count the sum of topics with the same key; 0, 3 , 1, 3 i i i i σ σ ∆ ≤  ∆ > (8) Count the deviation...
Название : Integration Issues of Big Data Analysis on Social Networks
Авторы/Редакторы : A.V. Ivaschenko
N.Yu. Ilyasova
A.A. Khorina
V.A. Isayko
D.N. Krupin
V.A. Bolotsky
P.V. Sitnikov
Ключевые слова : social networks
big data
Дата публикации : 2018
Издательство : Новая техника
Библиографическое описание : A.V. Ivaschenko. Integration Issues of Big Data Analysis on Social Networks / A.V. Ivaschenko, N.Yu. Ilyasova, A.A. Khorina, V.A. Isayko, D.N. Krupin, V.A. Bolotsky, P.V. Sitnikov // Сборник трудов IV международной конференции и молодежной школы «Информационные технологии и нанотехнологии» (ИТНТ-2018) - Самара: Новая техника, 2018. - С.2546-2551.
Аннотация : Nowadays Social Media becomes one of the major providers of Big Data for analysis of users’ behaviour, focus, trends, and deviations. One user can be presented in several social networks by various avatars. Most users have different dynamics of data processing and generation. In order to provide a solution capable to deal with this, there was developed and implemented a software library for integration with a number of social networks. This paper describes the problem, solution architecture and technical details of its implementation supported by the results of simulation and real data analysis for a number of popular social networks.
Описание : Основная статья
URI (Унифицированный идентификатор ресурса) : http://repo.ssau.ru/handle/Informacionnye-tehnologii-i-nanotehnologii/Integration-Issues-of-Big-Data-Analysis-on-Social-Networks-69652
Другие идентификаторы : Dspace\SGAU\20180518\69652
Располагается в коллекциях: Информационные технологии и нанотехнологии

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