Отрывок: The individual, in whose behavior the listed features are clearly expressed, does not take into account the whole set of available information about the problem, in fact making the boundaries of the objective function, decision criteria, limited many alternatives, or unreasonably exposing them as the best part of them. The revealed effects and patterns of behavior of economic agents in conditions of uncertainty and risk allow to explain many facts of economic agents i...
Название : Fuzzy model for support investment decisions under risk
Авторы/Редакторы : E.V. Orlova
Ключевые слова : decision making
data mining
fuzzy model
utility function
irrational factors
Дата публикации : 2018
Издательство : Новая техника
Библиографическое описание : E.V. Orlova. Fuzzy model for support investment decisions under risk // Сборник трудов IV международной конференции и молодежной школы «Информационные технологии и нанотехнологии» (ИТНТ-2018) - Самара: Новая техника, 2018. - С. 2124-2131.
Аннотация : One of the most important problem related to understanding the investor's behavior is to study the ways he selects, analyzes and interprets the available information and then uses it to make investment decisions. It is necessary to find out how an investor forms a certain opinion and comes to his own behavior strategy. The investor's behavioral model is variable since the financial market is volatile. The behavior of the investor is determined by a combination of rational (objective) and irrational (subjective) factors. To describe the influence of a combination of factors on the investor's behavior, a model describing this influence is needed. A formal description of interaction is complicated since a number of factors are of a qualitative nature, and the factors are also interrelated. The paper identifies the main causes and factors of irrationality in investor behavior which is the basis for its analyze and control. The fuzzy model, which allows to link a lot of behavioral factors with the utility (efficiency) of the solution is developed. Simulation results can be used for the investor’s utility functions designing that is required to decisions making justification.
Описание : Основная статья
URI (Унифицированный идентификатор ресурса) : http://repo.ssau.ru/handle/Informacionnye-tehnologii-i-nanotehnologii/Fuzzy-model-for-support-investment-decisions-under-risk-69082
Другие идентификаторы : Dspace\SGAU\20180513\69082
Располагается в коллекциях: Информационные технологии и нанотехнологии

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