Отрывок: Zoe made a plan to trap Marina. She said that she had received a postcard, and then it would be Zoe’s turn. They must discover the knife in order to get fingerprints. They went to the folly which is near to Paradise River. Before that, Marina found a letter in which Zoe seemed like a murderer. When Marina showed her the letter, Zoe could not control her anger. She told the whole story. Marina found that she was the victim. Zoe said that it was the plan...
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dc.contributor.authorMuhammad A. K.ru
dc.contributor.authorAdnan M.ru
dc.coverage.spatialcriminal distractionru
dc.coverage.spatialsocial learningru
dc.coverage.spatialtechniques of crimeru
dc.coverage.spatialбританские писателиru
dc.coverage.spatialотвлечение вниманияru
dc.coverage.spatialхудожественный дискурсru
dc.coverage.spatialтехники преступленияru
dc.coverage.spatialсовременная английская литератураru
dc.coverage.spatialсоциальное обучениеru
dc.creatorMuhammad A. K., Adnan M.ru
dc.date.accessioned2024-10-10 13:55:51-
dc.date.available2024-10-10 13:55:51-
dc.identifierRU\НТБ СГАУ\560931ru
dc.identifier.citationMuhammad, A. K. Representation of Criminal Practices in "The Maidens" Novel by Alex Michaelides = Репрезентация криминальных практик в романе Алекса Михаэлидеса "Девушки" / A. K. Muhammad, M. Adnan // Эволюция и трансформация дискурсов : сб. науч. ст. / М-во образования и науки Рос. Федерации, Самар. нац. исслед. ун-т им. С. П. Королева (Самар. ун-т), Фак. филологии и журналистики, Каф. нем. филологии, Каф. англ. филологии ; отв. ред. С. И. Дубинин, В. Д. Шевченко, 2023. - Вып. 8: / редкол.: Н. К. Данилова, Н. В. Панина. - Самара : Центр период. изд. Самар. ун-та. - С. 128-138.ru
dc.description.abstractThe article examines the reasons of Zoe’s criminal behaviourand the way she acquired criminal techniques in "The Maidens"novel by Alex Michaelides. The qualitative method has beenapplied for conducting the research and the empirical material isanalyzed by using the textual data analysis method.ru
dc.description.abstractПроводится анализ причин преступного поведения Зоуи, а также то, каким образом Зоуи овладела техниками преступления в романе Алекса Михаэлидиса "Девушки". Изучение эмпирического материала проводится на базе метода текстологического анализа.ru
dc.relation.ispartofЭволюция и трансформация дискурсов : сб. науч. ст. - Текст : электронныйru
dc.sourceЭволюция и трансформация дискурсов. - Вып. 8ru
dc.titleRepresentation of Criminal Practices in "The Maidens" Novel by Alex Michaelidesru
dc.textpartZoe made a plan to trap Marina. She said that she had received a postcard, and then it would be Zoe’s turn. They must discover the knife in order to get fingerprints. They went to the folly which is near to Paradise River. Before that, Marina found a letter in which Zoe seemed like a murderer. When Marina showed her the letter, Zoe could not control her anger. She told the whole story. Marina found that she was the victim. Zoe said that it was the plan...-

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